Categories Corporate
Andreena Leeanne
  • Země: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Kontaktovat autora:

Andreena Leeanne (she/her) 43, is a Lived Experience Speaker & Wellbeing Workshop Facilitator who helps corporate organisations with their inclusion and wellbeing strategy by speaking about intersectionality, allyship and kindness in the workplace.

Andreena also facilitates wellbeing workshops which focus on self-care. During the structured workshops the participants are encouraged to explore what self-care means to them and find strategies to avoid burnout, reduce staff sickness absence and increase overall productivity.

In January 2015 Andreena founded Poetry LGBT Open Mic Night which is a warm and welcoming space for the LGBTQ+ community to come together to share their experiences & creativity through poetry and spoken word.

Follow @PoetryLGBT on all the socials.

In 2018 Andreena was one of Stonewall’s Black History Month role models and was shortlisted for a Positive LGBT Role Model National Diversity Award in 2020. Andreena is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

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