Your business will benefit by finding out why customers are failing to complete a purchase.
Your business will benefit by finding out why customers are failing to complete a purchase.

Nobody enjoys being rejected, whether at school, in relationships and especially not in business. Many great business leaders will tell you that they have learnt great lessons after being rejected, providing them with the opportunity to boost turnover and profits for their business. They have learnt the lesson of not giving up. 

Besides the sometimes disappointing attempt to get repeat business and referrals, negativity provides individuals with fear and listening to the wrong people can deliver a range of thoughts and beliefs that will hamper your success.


Boost your courage to increase your risk taking

All business decisions involve an element of courage, forcing you to let go of old behaviours so you can move forward with new ideas. This involves taking risks. Where old ideas are failing, look for new thoughts to give you the courage to move out of your comfort zone to an arena that is more suited to you and your business. After being rejected, you will have to consider taking difficult actions and risks to develop your brand.

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Find a solution to every problem

Where you face rejection, you will analyse the problem and find a solution. A shift in approach will provide you with different results and potential solutions to your difficulties. However hard you have tried and worked, nothing is hopeless if it moves you and your business in the right direction. By analysing whatever isn’t working, the solution may become obvious. However frightened you are, to stop the problem continuing so you can begin to see results and a way to change your behaviours, you may need to seek help from:

  • experts
  • a mentor
  • bank manager
  • accountant
  • financial advisor
  • people you trust


Rejections are not about you, personally

Many people consider that a rejection is to be taken personally as it is a reflection upon the individual and nothing else. This is a mistake. The customer is rejecting your service or your product and not you, specifically. Your product or service does not fulfil their specific needs and therefore, they are rejecting your offer. Many successful authors are rejected by publishers in the early stages, but this doesn’t prevent them going on to selling millions of copies of their work in later years.

Where your business is being rejected by a customer, your business will benefit by finding out why customers are failing to complete a purchase. You’ll understand why, so you can take the necessary steps to change whatever needs improving to reduce the risk of rejection in the future. Customers will always provide you with clues to help you be more successful in the future.

How will you plan to save your one-person business from extinction if you’re in imminent danger?


Read also Part 1 of this blog series 3 Crucial Habits to get Repeat Business and Referrals from the eBook Save your One Person Business from Extinction.


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