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Tag: job applications

4 popular free career eBooks: CVs, interviews and more

Posted in New free eBooks

Are you applying for a job at the moment or have you thought about changing jobs for a while? On our blog you can find 4 popular free eBooks that can help you get the job you want. Go for it!…

Interviewers, beware! Keep away from these interview mistakes!

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Did you have an interview and got rejected? Then this might be an interesting fact for you: often it is the interviewer himself who is to blame for a failed interview. On our blog you can find several traps an interviewer can fall into….

How to ace the telephone interview

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Is there a telephone interview coming up? Could you do with some tips on how to prepare for and what to do during the interview? We can help you with that!…

CV – How to make your skills stand out

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What are your best skills? As we all know, this is a classic interview question. Be honest: Are you really prepared for this question? We make sure you are! Just read our latest blog post!…

Resume sample – Tips for the perfect resume No.2

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340 people shared our last student’s resume example. Due to this high interest, we assumed that it would be time for another fully exemplary resume – this time of an operations team member. Take a look!…

Job hunting channels, job market & Co.

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Is your goal to get a new job as quickly as possible? Then you must understand what the job market looks like. We can help you with this….

How to write a cover letter for a job application

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The first impression counts! This is why you need to write a professionally written cover letter to ensure that your job application stands out! We show you how!…

CV – How to create your Personal Profile

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soft skills cv

Create your personal master CV by learning about the importance of your Personal Profile. Good luck with the job hunting. …