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Bookboon – Get free advice from your Marketing & Sales Specialists

Advertising: Reach a very specific target group Through Bookboon, you have the possibility to advertise towards a narrow and segmented target group. Segmentation: you can for example target your B2B campaign towards a certain group of decision makers, or your B2C campaign based on demographics. There are many options. Pay per download: Your ad is placed in the book next to editorial content. You only pay when your ad appears in a downloaded book. As a result, you only pay…

Bookboon – Get free advice from our Sales & Marketing Specialists

Advertising: Reach a very specific target group Through Bookboon, you have the possibility to advertise towards a narrow and segmented target group. Segmentation: you can for example target your B2B campaign towards a certain group of decision makers, or your B2C campaign based on demographics. There are many options. Pay per download: Your ad is placed in the book next to editorial content. You only pay when your ad appears in a downloaded book. As a result, you only pay…

Kostenlose Tipps von Ihren Sales- und Marketing-Spezialisten

Werben: Erreichen Sie mit uns Ihre Zielgruppe Mit Bookboon haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Zielgruppe effizient und zielgenau zu erreichen. Segmentierung: Ihre B2B-Kampagne kann beispielsweise auf eine bestimmte Gruppe von Entscheidungsbefugten abzielen. Ihre B2C-Kampage kann sich an demografischen Daten orientieren. Ihnen stehen viele Möglichkeiten offen. Pay per Download: Wir platzieren Ihre Anzeige gut sichtbar in unseren eBooks. Sie zahlen nur dann, wenn User eines der Bücher mit Ihre Anzeige herunterladen; Handfeste Ergebnisse garantiert! Aufmerksamkeit: Es ist wissenschaftlich erwiesen, dass Leser…

Get free advice from our Sales & Marketing Specialists

Advertising: Reach a very specific target group Through Bookboon, you have the possibility to advertise towards a narrow and segmented target group. Segmentation: you can for example target your B2B campaign towards a certain group of decision makers, or your B2C campaign based on demographics. There are many options. Pay per download: Your ad is placed in the book next to editorial content. You only pay when your ad appears in a downloaded book. As a result, you only pay…

Bookboon eLibrary Terms and Conditions

OVERVIEW The Bookboon eLibrary (hereafter solely referred to as the eLibrary) is a service provided and operated by Ltd for you and employees of the company where you currently work. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS OF USE These Terms of Use and Conditions govern your use of the eLibrary. By using the eLibrary, you accept and agree to these Terms of Use and Conditions. WHO CAN USE THE ELIBRARY The eLibrary delivered by Bookboon to your company, can only be used…

Cómo llegar al éxito en fracaso

Posted in Sin categorizar,Sin categorizar

Aunque no lo parezca a primera vista, los bebés pueden ser ejemplos interesantes para aspectos cotidianos y que nosotros damos por sentado. Con sólo mirarlos, es posible encontrarse con un sinfín de comportamientos que nos demuestra la grandeza que hay en nuestra especie….

Introducción práctica de Employer Branding

Posted in Articles Spanish

Actualmente, la figura del empleado se ha transformado en un elemento que posee un enorme peso en el desarrollo y evolución de una empresa, es el cliente interno. Para comprender mejor la dinámica de empleado-empleador, descarga Introducción al Employer Branding, un libro que te dirá la importancia de mantener una relación estable y saludable con tus empleados. …

Aprender a vender es aprender a conocerse uno mismo

Posted in Articles Spanish

¿Deseas saber cuál es la fórmula mágica para convertirte en un vendedor de éxito? Descarga el libro Aprender a venderse es aprender a conocerse, una herramienta que te llevará al éxito profesional y personal. …