كتاب دراسي مجاني

Unconventional Thermocouples

اللغة :  English
The book is concerned with thermocouples other than the eight letter-designated ones. Their use in temperature measurement is described as are other applications including energy harvesting.
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Thermocouples other than the eight letter designated types, which are types K, J, N, T, E, B, R, S, are described. Both metal wire forms and thin film forms feature, and there is some discussion of thermocouples composed of semiconductors. Performance and characteristics of the thermocouples are discussed in fundamental terms, that is, according to the Seebeck effect. Although temperature measurement is the focus of the book, its discussion is interfaced with that of other applications of thermoelectricity including energy harvesting. There are many figures and illustrations.

About the author

Clifford Jones has spent a working lifetime in teaching, research and writing on fuels and combustion. He has held academic posts in the UK and Australia and has held visiting posts in a number of countries including Kazakhstan. He has written over 20 books and numerous papers and articles. He has major broadcasting experience.

  1. General introduction
  2. Tungsten-Rhenium thermocouples
    1. Variants
    2. Applications
    3. Colour coding and accessories
    4. A type C thermocouple in thin film configuration
    5. Further discussion
    6. The Ta:W26%Re thermocouple
    7. References
  3. Platinel thermocouples
    1. Introduction
    2. P type
    3. Other thermocouples containing Platinel
    4. References
  4. Platinum-containing thermocouples other than types R, S, B and Platinel
    1. The Pt:Pd thermocouple
    2. The gold-platinum thermocouple
    3. Pallador thermocouples
    4. Further examples of thermocouples containing platinum
    5. References
  5. Thermocouples containing niobium
    1. Mo-Nb thermocouples
    2. Thermocouples comprising niobium and copper-nickel alloy
    3. References
  6. Base metal examples
    1. Introduction
    2. Examples
    3. References
  7. Ceramic thermocouples
    1. Examples
    2. Further discussion
    3. References
  8. Miscellaneous further examples
    1. Introduction
    2. The PGB-PG thermocouple
    3. Skutterudite thermocouples
    4. The Pt-Ag thermocouple
    5. Thermocouples containing iridium and rhodium
    6. Thermocouples containing bismuth
    7. Thermocouples made from conductive paints
    8. The gold-palladium thermocouple
    9. Devices having stainless steel as a thermoelement
    10. Thermocouples containing elemental gallium
    11. References
  9. Nanoscale thermocouples
    1. References
  10. Thermoelements composed of polymers and ionic liquids
    1. Polymers
    2. Ionic liquids
    3. Further comments
    4. General conclusion
    5. References
  • Appendix

Learn about ceramic thermocouples and their applications. Discover how nanotechnology is used to create new types of thermocouples. Understand how polymers and ionic liquids can be used as thermoelements.

نبذة عن المؤلف

Prof. Dr J. Clifford Jones