الفئات الشركات
Rob Campbell
  • البلد: Canada
  • عدد العناوين: 1

A lifetime in business and over 30 years in professional business-to-business sales and entrepreneurship makes for a wealth of knowledge and practical know-how to share.
Working with companies, entrepreneurs and individual sales professionals, Rob Campbell uses his proven sales model, T.A.K.E. A.I.M. at Business-to-Business Sales Success, to help salespeople and organizations ensure long-lasting success by building a strong, loyal and growing customer base.
A father of two and grandad of four, Rob lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and is an active community volunteer and advocate for the voice of local business.

تصفح الكل بواسطة Rob Campbell
انضم إلى مؤلفي Bookboon
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