الفئات الشركات
كتاب دراسي مجاني

Real Functions in Several Variables: Volume IV

ifferentiable Curves and Differentiable Surfaces...

بواسطة Leif Mejlbro
اللغة :  English
The topic of this series of books on "Real Functions in Several Variables" is very important in the description in e.g. Mechanics of the real 3-dimensional world that we live in.
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The topic of this series of books on "Real Functions in Several Variables" is very important in the description in e.g. Mechanics of the real 3-dimensional world that we live in. Therefore, we start from the beginning, modelling this world by using the coordinates of R3 to describe e.b. a motion in space.

The theory and methods of these volumes on "Real Functions in Several Variables" are applied constantly in higher Mathematics, Mechanics and Engineering Sciences. It is of paramount importance for the calculations in Probability Theory, where one constantly integrate over some point set in space.

It is my hope that this text, these guidelines and these examples, of which many are treated in more ways to show that the solutions procedures are not unique, may be of some inspiration for the students who have just started their studies at the universities.

  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to volume IV, Curves and Surfaces
  3. Differentiable curves and surfaces, and line integrals in several variables
    1. Introduction
    2. Differentiable curves
    3. Level curves
    4. Differentiable surfaces
    5. Special C1-surfaces
    6. Level surfaces
  4. Examples of tangents (curves) and tangent planes (surfaces)
    1. Examples of tangents to curves
    2. Examples of tangent planes to a surface
  5. Formulæ
    1. Squares etc
    2. Powers etc
    3. Differentiation
    4. Special derivatives
    5. Integration
    6. Special antiderivatives
    7. Trigonometric formulæ
    8. Hyperbolic formulæ
    9. Complex transformation formulæ
    10. Taylor expansions
    11. Magnitudes of functions
  6. Index
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