كتاب دراسي مجاني

Political Economic Realities of Today’s Capitalism

1 تعليق
اللغة :  English
This book consists of ten articles, which contribute to a coherent approach making actual policies understandable as path dependent European narratives.
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The New Public Management (NPM) steering concept became translated and led by different national administrative traditions and paths, and differently absorbed, accepted and adjusted to national and international interests and politics. The book discuss the realm of those processes and economic and social consequences. It states that the social democratic countries have partly lost their ground values and why in Europe. The reality became evident in Parliamentary elections of 2017.

About the author

Noralv Veggeland: Professor of Public Policy at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Lillehammer, Norway. E-mail: Noralv.veggeland@inn.no.

He has been lecturing extensively at national and international academic institutions, and supervised doctorate students, and frequently invited to give lectures to different interest groups and NGOs, and to civil servants and professions responsible for implementing public policies. Contributed several times with research reports to governmental Green papers (NGOs). Through the years reviewed candidates for professor positions, and acted as university appointed opponent to public defence of dissertation nationally and internationally. Published 26 academic books and about 250 titles altogether. The last four authored books: (2007) Paths of Public Innovation in the Global Age: Lessons from Scandinavia. Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. (2009); Taming the Regulatory State: Politics and Ethics. Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA, Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA, USA 2009: Edward Elgar Publishing; (edited) Regulatory Approaches Coping with Scandinavian and European Union Policies, New York 2010: Nova Science Publishers; Den nye reguleringsstaten. Idébrytninger og styringskonflikter. Oslo 2010: Gyldendal Akademisk. Styring og reguleringsparadokser. Trondheim 2012 Tapir Akademiske Forlag.Essays on Regulatory Governance. New York 2013. Nova Science Publishers.

Also been invited academic visitor to European University Institute (EUI), Florence. Visiting professor - lecturer/instructor/supervisor to a doctoral class at ‘Center for Public Policy Administration’ (CPPA), University of Massachusetts, USA. Visiting professor – lecturer/instructor summer semester at University of Odessa, Ukraine, funded by the Soros Foundation, Open Society Institute.

  1. Neoliberalism. Administrative Management Strategies of our time 
  2. Administrative Traditions – A Political-Economic Perspective 
  3. The Narrative of the Modernized Regulatory State 
  4. Business-like Accounting in the Public Sector 
  5. Social Capital. Viewing Nordic Paths of Management 
  6. The Present Crisis of the International Capitalism 
  7. The Political-Economic Background of Europe in Crisis. – A Keynesian perspective 
  8. New Keynesian Political Economic Policies
  9. The UK NPM Reform
  10. Regulating Oil Fund Investments Globally. What about Ethics?
Muy bueno.
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Professor Noralv Veggeland