الفئات الشركات
Julie Rowlett
  • البلد: Sweden
  • عدد العناوين: 1
  • التواصل مع المؤلف:

Julie Rowlett is an American mathematician currently working as an associate professor at the joint mathematics department of Chalmers University and the University of Gothenburg in Gothenburg, Sweden. Julie earned her Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the University of Washington in 2001 and her PhD in Mathematics from Stanford University in 2006. Her research area is geometric and microlocal analysis and applications.  

Henry Segerman is a British/American mathematician currently working as an associate professor at Oklahoma State University. He received his Master of Mathematics degree from the University of Oxford in 2001 and his PhD in Mathematics from Stanford University in 2007. In addition to his research in 3-dimensional geometry and topology he is a mathematical artist. For more information about Henry's research and mathematical art, see https://math.okstate.edu/people/segerman/ and www.segerman.org 

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