كتاب دراسي مجاني

Human Anatomy Synopsis: Axilla-Upper limb

اللغة :  English
Topics include osteology and joints, blood vessels; nerve plexuses and lesions; upper limb muscles in outline format with illustrations, cadaver dissections, tables, and study questions.
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اشتراك الشركات ‎‎ مجاني‎‎لأول ‎‎ ‏30 يوم‏‎‎ ، بعد ذلك ‎‎ ‎$5.99‎ ‎‎/شهر

This is one of four synopses describing Human Anatomy in an outline format. It includes numerous diagrams, cadaver dissections, tables and study questions. This synopsis describes osteology and joints; blood vessels; peripheral nerves plexuses and nerve lesions; and muscles of the upper limb. Each synopsis is based on over 40 years of course materials used by thousands of students and multiple instructors. Other synopses include Human Anatomy Synopsis: Pelvic Girdle & Lower Limb; Human Anatomy Synopsis: Neck and Spine; and Human Anatomy Synopsis: Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis.

About the author

Professor Gorniak taught graduate health care professionals at 3 Universities for 40 years. He has a PhD. in Anatomical Sciences, a BS in Physical Therapy and practiced clinically for 15 years. He has over 30 peer reviewed publications on anatomy and biomechanics; 5 years of NIH post-doctoral work in biomechanics; developed online Anatomy and Biomechanics courses; produced a video dissection series; and authored illustrated note packs for Biomechanics and Anatomy.
  1. Preface
  2. Axilla
    1. Boundaries
    2. Axillary artery
    3. Brachial plexus
  3. Shoulder complex
    1. Osteology
    2. Joints, ligaments, bursae
    3. Glenohumeral muscles
  4. Arm and elbow
    1. Osteology
    2. Joints, ligaments, bursae
    3. Anterior brachial compartment
    4. Posterior brachial compartment 
  5. Forearm and wrist
    1. Osteology
    2. Joints, ligaments, bursae
    3. Cubital fossa
    4. Anteromedial muscular compartment
    5. Posterolateral muscular compartment
  6. The hand
    1. Osteology
    2. Joints, ligaments and bursae
    3. Palm of the hand
    4. Dorsum of the hand
  7. Brachial plexus nerve injuries
  8. Study question answers
  9. References
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