الفئات الشركات
Carole Davidson
  • البلد: United Kingdom
  • عدد العناوين: 1
  • التواصل مع المؤلف:

Carole Davidson is an experienced business mentor and coach having worked with many senior business leaders across both the corporate and public sector. Most recently she has been mentoring Millennials leaving university and employment to start their own successful business. With a knack for bringing the best out of individuals by recognising their potential, she has encouraged the development of their vision to be their own boss. 

Carole is Director at Carole Davidson Coaching Limited which she founded in 2006 on her return from working in France. A qualified and accredited executive coach and coach supervisor she previously built a career in HR in the retail, financial, legal and public sector. As a director heading up HR and training departments, she developed a wide range of innovative practices throughout her career and it was here she experienced coaching. With her passion to develop people’s potential it inspired her to become a coach. 

Several of the millennial start-ups she has mentored in the last few years have won national awards in recognition of their innovative products and continuous growth. 

Carole has written a number of award winning articles on coaching for academic journals and business coaching and mentoring columns for local newspapers.   

Carole is based in the UK but works regularly with individuals and organisations around the world.

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