الفئات الأسعار الشركات
Terence Rabe
  • البلد: United Kingdom
  • عدد العناوين: 1
  • التواصل مع المؤلف:

Terence started his Information Technology career in 1997, building PCs and networks for small businesses. Over the next two years, he earned several Microsoft Certified Professional certifications, culminating in the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer accreditation in 1999. In the same year, he was awarded the Microsoft Certified Trainer certification and worked as a staff and freelance trainer for various training organisations in South Africa.

In 2001 Terence emigrated to the United Kingdom and continued to deliver technical training on Microsoft operating systems and server products. It was during this time that he first encountered SharePoint and BPOS, the forerunner to Office 365, and saw the potential these tools have for transforming the way people work.

In 2011 he started his own company with a goal to become a trusted independent provider of consultancy and training services on SharePoint, Office 365, and other cloud-based Microsoft technologies.

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انضم إلى مؤلفي Bookboon
هل لديك فكرة رائعة تتمنى تحويلها إلى كتاب في مجال الأعمال أو كتاب دراسي للطلاب؟ هل خضت تجربة تعلمت منها شيئًا قيمًا عن تطوير الذات ترغب في مشاركته مع العالم؟ أو هل أنت متخصص في مادة أكاديمية تحتاج إلى الشرح؟ الجودة، والوضوح، والإيجاز هي ما يميز كتب Bookboon الإلكترونية. تحدث إلى فريق التحرير الآن، وانشر فكرتك!