الفئات الأسعار الشركات
John Mattock
  • البلد: United Kingdom
  • عدد العناوين: 1
  • التواصل مع المؤلف:

John’s books about international business communication have been published in many languages. This is his first for Bookboon – written to bring common sense and flexible practices to a wide range of readers, to diminish frustration and conflict, and to boost confidence and ethical success.

As director of Right Brain Training, John has been designing and delivering Professional Learning and Development programmes for 30 years – in the ‘soft’ areas, such as Leadership, Influencing Skills, Public Speaking/Presentation, Change Management, Remote Team Working and, of course, Negotiation.

He and his colleagues at Right Brain facilitate conferences, train small interactive groups and coach individuals. Increasingly, the training is done remotely – webinars in various formats, saving costs for the client and reducing carbon footprint.

Our clients come from every sector (technology, finance, heavy industry, aerospace, agriculture, academia, media, mining, transport, consumer goods, the Arts…), every function (R&D, Production, Marketing, Sales, Procurement, Communications, HR…) and every level (Board of Directors, middle management, graduate trainees…).

Participants appreciate our ability to spot the ‘universals’ in many management situations, and our knack of bringing life to concepts that can otherwise seem abstract – making them accessible, realistic and practical: lots of learning-by-doing and very little PowerPoint J.

Of course, if you would like John or one of his excellent colleagues to come to your assistance with advice about training….

Email or call John:

phone: +44 (0)7768 292 363

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