Professional eBook

Your Personal Leadership Plan

The 7 Strategies to be a Great Leader in Today’s Workplace

Language :  English
A handbook on personal leadership for middle managers who want a greater understanding of how to treat themselves as a leader, so they can command respect from others, both in and out of work.
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The ideal handbook on personal leadership for middle managers who want a greater understanding of how to treat themselves as a leader, so they can command respect from others, both in and out of work. This book takes a holistic view of leadership and will help those who want to carry out their role with integrity to get the best out of themselves and their team. It will enable you to lead, motivate and inspire others by example whilst protecting your own time and energy and offers insight and strategies for achieving your potential while creating better working and personal relationships.

About the Author

Linda Moseley has been a successful personal development coach for over 20 years and has worked with everyone from students beginning their careers to executives wanting to improve relationships and communication within their teams. She has a fascination with how peoples’ interactions with others affect both parties and her greatest passion is enabling you to access this insight, to move forwards with skill, confidence and optimism, relieve pressure at work and reach success personally and professionally without burnout.

At home she enjoys learning languages, home decorating and dog walking.

  • About the Author
  • Introduction
  1. Fear – Avoidance, Assumptions and Choice
    1. Stretching the comfort zone
  2. Openness to change - Collaboration and effective listening
    1. Resourceful thinking for better perspectives
  3. Resilience
    1. Awareness Strategies
    2. Reframing to minimise resilience erosion and increase confidence
  4. Time management and procrastination
    1. Productive, not just busy; practical solutions to ease the pain
  5. Managing pressure and avoiding burnout
    1. The Signs
    2. Strategies
  6. Authenticity, Integrity, Honesty and Values
  7. Kindness and compassion towards yourself and others
    1. Why?
    2. How?
  • Appendix
  • References

Recognize the importance of aligning actions with personal values for authentic leadership. Exercise compassion and kindness towards oneself and others to foster a positive work environment. Utilize self-coaching techniques for continuous personal development. Enhance communication and collaboration skills for better team dynamics and productivity.

About the Author

Linda Moseley