Professional eBook

Tools Supporting Better Implementation of Controls

The Human Aspects of Management Controls - Part II

Language :  English
This book describes how to achieve better implementation of controls. The Human Aspects of Management Controls: Part I, details the approach and Part II presents a set of tools to support this effort.
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This book describes, in 2 parts, an Approach to Achieving Better Implementation of Controls. ‘The Human Aspects of Management Controls - Part I’, describes the Soft Controls Approach in implementing more effectively Plans, Policies and Procedures for all types of private enterprises, public organizations, large corporations, SMEs, non-profits, professional associations, etc. ‘The Human Aspects of Management Controls – Part II’ describes a set of tools to support better implementation of controls, such as questionnaires, plans, techniques, methods, etc.

About the author

John Kyriazoglou obtained a B.A. (Honours) from the University of Toronto, Canada, also earning a Scholastic award for Academic Excellence in Computer Science. John has worked in Canada, England, Greece and other countries for over 35 years, as a Senior IT manager, Managing Director, IT auditor and consultant, in a variety of clients and projects, in both the private and the public sectors. He has published several books and articles in professional publications, has served in numerous scientific committees and is a member of several professional and cultural associations.

He is currently the Editor-in-Chief for the Internal Controls Magazine (U.S.A.).

  1. Appendix 1: Business Management Controls 
  2. Appendix 2: Wellness Questionnaires
  3. Appendix 3: Seven rules for building and managing an effective team 
  4. Appendix 4: Strategy Assessment Methods and Tools 
  5. Appendix 5: NLP Techniques 
  6. Appendix 6: Soft Controls Audit Questionnaires 
  7. Appendix 7: Performance audit questionnaire of Board and Executive Management 
  8. Appendix 8: Business Ethics Policy Checklist 
  9. Appendix 9: Corporate Management Improvement Plans 
  10. Appendix 10: Corporate and Financial Fraud Management Controls 
  11. Appendix 11: The Seven Principles 
  12. Appendix 12: Corporate Social Responsibility Policy 
About the Author

John Kyriazoglou