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Nuclear Powered Generation of Electricity

A World Evaluation

Language :  English
The book discusses the growth of the nuclear power industry, and gives details of nuclear fuels and different reactor types. The discussion pays close attention to the underlying physics.
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The book covers the background to nuclear power with suitable calculations, and reactor types including Magnox, pressurised water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) are described with examples. A country-by-country coverage of past and present electricity generation is presented. Nuclear fuels described in detail include natural uranium, enriched uranium and mixed oxide fuel (MOX). There are many illustrations. At the end of the book the discussion moves from fission to fusion, and the operation of a tokamak is described.

About the Author

Clifford Jones has spent a working lifetime in teaching, research and writing on fuels and combustion. He has held academic posts in the UK and Australia and has held visiting posts in a number of countries including Kazakhstan. He has written over 20 books and numerous papers and articles. He has major broadcasting experience.

  • Foreword by Professor William L. Wilkinson FRS
  1. General introduction
    1. Background on nuclear fission
    2. Neutron speeds and neutron economy
    3. Further comments
    4. References
  2. Early* nuclear power plants
    1. Calder Hall and other UK nuclear power plants with Magnox reactors
    2. Shippingport, Pensylvania
    3. The Obninsk nuclear power plant
    4. Tokai 1 nuclear power plant
    5. Yankee Rowe (Massachusetts) Power Plant
    6. Piqua nuclear generating station [28]
    7. Early nuclear power plants in continental Europe
    8. References
  3. Countries of the EU and Non-EU European countries
    1. The UK
    2. France
    3. Spain
    4. The Netherlands
    5. Germany
    6. Belgium
    7. Bulgaria
    8. The Czech Republic
    9. Finland
    10. Sweden
    11. Switzerland
    12. Hungary
    13. Slovenia
    14. Romania
    15. Bulgaria
    16. EU countries without current nuclear power generation
    17. Non-EU countries in Europe
    18. Further comments
    19. References
  4. The Americas
    1. USA: listing by State
    2. Canada
    3. Mexico
    4. Argentina and Brazil
    5. Further comments
    6. References
  5. The Former Soviet Union
    1. Russia
    2. Belarus
    3. The Ukraine
    4. Further remarks
    5. References
  6. The Indian Subcontinent
    1. India
    2. Pakistan
    3. Bangladesh
    4. References
  7. China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea
    1. China
    2. Taiwan
    3. Japan
    4. South Korea
    5. Further information
    6. References
  8. Small modular reactors
    1. The current situation
    2. The proposed UK Small Modular Reactor (UKSMR)
    3. NuScale (HQ in Oregon) SMRs
    4. Examples of other designs and concepts
    5. Further information
    6. Digression into nuclear fusion
    7. References
About the Author

Prof. Dr J. Clifford Jones