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Michael Millward
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 104

Michael Millward is the creator and host of Abeceder Quotation Conversations.

During a human resources career which started in 1981 in the UK Michael has held leadership roles in, start-ups, small, medium sized businesses, and large blue chip multinationals organisations, in joint venture, e-commerce, government, hi-tech, manufacturing, mining, major construction projects retail distribution, travel, hospitality, financial and service sectors, across the world.

In 2004 Michael returned to the UK and established Abeceder a provider of employment related, information, products, services, and expertise.

The Abeceder family now includes:

• Abeceder H2R a comprehensive HR software and HR support service that covers every aspect of every stage of the employer, employee relationship from hiring to retiring.
• – an independent, multi brand, multi format learning resources and training courses web shop
• – an employees’ guide to employment

Michael holds a MSc in Human Resource Management from the University of Wales and is a Chartered Fellow of the UK Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). For many years Michael was a volunteer branch chair and member of the Institutes National Council.

Browse all by Michael Millward
Social Class: A Prolific Form of Discrimination
Acceptance, Courage and Wisdom
Talking Truth to Power: Lessons from Cancer
Mental Health and Purposeful Diversity
Redundancy: Employment Ends so can Life Begin
Unconventional Candidates
Success is a Journey, Not a Destination
Highlighting and Understanding Hidden Disabilities
Living to Your Values
I Will Either Find a Way or Make a Way
The Benefits of Out-of-the-Box Thinking
Pleasure plus Meaning Equals Happiness
Is Our Approach to Work Working?
The Challenge of Making Change Permanent
It's the Way We Do It Here
Mindset over Matter
The Role of Software in Change Management
The Secret to Being Happy at Work
Diversity is a Fact – Inclusion is an Act
The Important Employees are the Ones You Keep
Finding What You Need to Succeed
Fall down seven times, stand up eight times
The Business Benefits of Thinking Like an Ant
Targeted Purpose Motivates Employee Performance
Learning From Bad Times and Negative Experiences
Love as a Mindset
Emotional Intelligence for Managers
Business Approach to Mental Health and Well Being
Using PR Techniques in Employee Communications
The Map is Not the Territory
The Secret for Improving Your Time Management
Understanding how Millennial’s and Gen Z Work
Teamwork: Individual Commitment to a Group Effort
Change the Way You Communicate
You Need Trust to Build an Empire
How Belonging Improves Performance
Is There Only One Right Way?
What Matters Most: Credit or Results?
Work and Mental Well Being
First Steps to Achieving a Change
Thinking Straight When Moving Faster than Sound
Finishing Tasks When We Don’t Want to Start
Happy Employees Lead to Happy Customers
Starting Something New
You are Unique and You Only Live Once
Practical Ways to Support a Bereaved Employee
Who am I before the world told me who to be?
CSR and the Way You do Business
Fertility Journeys and Work
How to Make Things Happen
Learning How to Balance Life and Work
Reinventing the Future
The Benefit of Making Mistakes
Instilling Culture in a Totally Remote Workforce
How to Create Change
Can There be Many Right Ways to do Something?
Better Leaders Do Not Say Should or Should Not
The Skills Shortage and an Underused Talent Pool
What Makes Workers Creative
Strategies for Communicating with Employees
How Networks Work
Have You Defined What Good Work Means for You?
The Environment is Sending Invoices to the Economy
Can Organizations Treat People as Individuals?
Employee Empowerment is doomed, unless…
Importance of Defining What Success Means for You
Lessons for Leaders on Meetings
Creating Work that Works for Your Employees
Homelessness and Work
Understanding how to be Inclusive
Curiosity Fuels Collaboration and Innovation
A Mystery Artist Helps Demystify Work Life Balance
Team Building with a Focus on Quality
We Decide How We See the World
Effective Change Leadership
Are You Weird or Just Wired Differently
Disclosure of Sexuality in the Workplace
Moving Forward with Life & Work After Bereavement
The Role of the Manager as a Worrier
Understanding Ethical Leadership
Implementing a Plan Requires Change
Planning and Strategy Development
A Model for Creating Psychological Safety at Work
Giving Employees Freedom to Shine
It Only Takes 1 Person to Start the Ball Rolling
Don’t Need to Deal With This With an Unhappy Mind
Overcome a Historical Lack of Corporate Diversity
Crazy is Not Always Wrong
The Origins of the Four-Day Work Week
Being Authentic at Work
Ensuring Everyone Understands What is Possible
Success or Happiness: Is There a Difference?
See the World as it is, not how you Want it to be
How to Listen to Rarely Heard Voices
Put in Before you Take Out
Understand Your Emotional Buying Behaviour
Kindness is in Our Gift
Network and Networking
Just Do It! But Carefully…
How Leadership Evolves as Organisations Change
Is Trying to Fit in Worth the Effort
The Benefits of Balanced Teams
Employers and Mental Health for LGBT+ Employees
Relationship Between Behaviour and Results
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