Professional eBook

L&D Landscape 2022

Language :  English
Based on an in-depth survey of more than 300 of the world’s most influential L&D decision-makers, this report examines the main trends, challenges, and opportunities the L&D industry will face in 2022
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The Covid-19 pandemic continues to influence the thoughts and actions of L&D decision-makers around the world. Nevertheless, there are hopeful signs that many aspects of life could return to normal in 2022. For the first time since the start of the pandemic, it is possible to get a glimpse into what L&D will look like after the pandemic. What aspects of L&D will return to normal, and what is likely to have been changed forever.

This report looks at the main challenges L&D faces this year, as well as the goals, strategies, and technologies L&D decision-makers are placing their bets on in 2022.

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Methodology
  3. The Top L&D Challenges in 2022
  4. Remote Work & Hybrid Learning
  5. Building a Dynamic & Engaging Learning Culture
  6. Re-Thinking Learning Technology Needs
  7. The Most Important Skills in 2022
  8. Creating an Agile & Flexible Workforce
  9. Mental Health & Wellbeing
  10. Conclusion
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Bookboon Learning