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Cities in the Global Economy

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Language :  English
This book tackles some of the issues in strategic management of cities focusing on different areas where globalization has significant influence, e.g. competitiveness, partnerships, performance etc.
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In this book, the issue of globalisation together with changed environment of cities is being discussed. The text starts with the introduction and general description of globalization effects on cities. After detailed presentation of the concept of urban competitiveness, authors analyse the strategic management of cities, followed by city partnerships and networks as very important management approaches for overcoming globalization challenges. Afterwards, the system of indicators for measuring performance development of cities is presented in order to identify stages of development and positioning of cities as vital factors for adequate preparation of strategic and development guidelines. Finally, foreign direct investment including their consequences and cities’ response to those processes is presented. With description of innovations and their importance for reaching sustainability, authors conclude the book.

  1. Introduction: Addressing globalization locally
  2. Concept of urban competitiveness
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Introduction
    3. The Concept of Urban Competitiveness
    4. Determinants of Urban Competitiveness
    5. Urban Assets
    6. Conclusion
    7. References, links and Further Reading
  3. Strategic management of cities
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Introduction
    3. Different types of capital and assets in a city
    4. Economic outputs
    5. The ‘Five Pillar’ approach
    6. References
  4. City partnerships and networks
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Introduction
    3. Terminology
    4. The Origins and Historical Importance of City Partnerships
    5. Status Quo and Trends of City Partnerships
    6. City Partnerships – Towards a Classification
    7. External Institutions Interested into City Partnerships
    8. Findings Regarding City Partnerships in the Literature
    9. References
  5. System of indicators for measuring performance development of cities
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Introduction
    3. Theoretical background and applied practice
    4. Selection of cities
    5. Selection of indicators
    6. Data structure and categorization
    7. Multi-attribute decision – making using program DEXi
    8. Results and their interpretation
    9. Conclusion
    10. References
  6. Foreign direct investment and cities
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. FDI definition
    3. Development of FDI
    4. Why do companies invest in the foreign market?
    5. Effects of FDI
    6. Factors influencing FDI flows
    7. A City strategy for attracting FDI
    8. Conclusion
    9. References
  7. Innovations for sustainability
    1. Chapter overview
    2. Sustainability – A concept or just a fashion?
    3. What are innovations?
    4. Financing innovations in public services
    5. Public private Partnership
    6. Smart municipalities
    7. References
Within scientifical facts authors clearly state different ways of improving the progress of cities and small municipalities. Congrats!
This book is the perfect way to understand urban and suburban development. Innovativeness described in ch. 7 should be the solution for many small municipalities to build a strong and sustainable future. One of the best lectures on “How to create material and social development for communities?”
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About the Authors

Patricija Jankovič

Dr. Vito Bobek

Dr. Anita Maček