Professional eBook

Business writing made easy

What effective writers really do

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Language :  English
Business writing made easy sums up what modern professional writers do in just six simple ideas. It will give you a writing and editing method you can use for all your business writing.
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Business writing made easy sums up what modern professional writers do in just six simple ideas. Those six ideas will give you a writing and editing method and a new focus. You will write with more clarity in less time. The days of cutting and pasting until your text seems a little better will be over. You will also be able to use the writing and editing method to build a cooperative relationship with your readers where that’s appropriate. The author has taught the writing and editing method in Business writing made easy to thousands of business writers in four countries.

You can use the method for all your writing, from a simple email to a major technical report. 

Business writing made easy will also help you organise complex ideas quickly and to be more persuasive. 

You will find many examples you can use or adapt.

About the author

Ralph speaks to conferences and leads workshops throughout New Zealand and in Asia and Australia. He specialises in the psychology of success.

His series ‘What successful people really do’ and ‘The village that could’ are in Bookboon’s Premium collection. He has written three other books, academic papers on psychology and more than a hundred blogs and articles.

Ralph has a background in psychology, business and journalism. (His career includes more than 12 years as a journalist for Television New Zealand and on secondment to the BBC.)

In 2011, Professional Speakers Australia awarded him the CSP – the highest international accreditation for professional speakers.

Ralph founded what is now Skillset New Zealand more than 30 years ago and remains its managing director. Skillset’s clients are amongst New Zealand’s largest organisations.

  1. Making it easy
  2. Who’s it for anyway?
  3. The five keys to effective writing
  4. Using the keys
  5. A simple editing system
  6. Organise your report or presentation 
  7. Sample letters and emails 
  8. Be more persuasive 
  9. The last word
Interesting, quite elucidating.
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About the Author

Ralph McKechnie Brown