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Bituminous Coals: Nature and Utilisation

Language :  English
The book is concerned with the mining of bituminous coal in the respective parts of the world and with applications including electricity generation.
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  1. Dedication
  2. General introduction
    1. Etymology
    2. Early classification
    3. Further comments 
    4. References 
  3. National and international standards applicable to coal classification and characterisation 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Examples 
    3. References 
  4. Production in the UK 
    1. Examples of sources 
    2. References 
  5. Production in Central Europe 
    1. Examples 
    2. References 
  6. Production in Western and Southern Europe 
    1. Examples 
    2. References 
  7. Production in Eastern Europe 
    1. Examples 
    2. References 
  8. The Former Soviet Union 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Kazakhstan 
    3. Uzbekistan 
    4. Turkmenistan 
    5. Kyrgyzstan 
    6. Tajikistan 
    7. Russia 
    8. References 
  9. North America 
    1. Bituminous coal producing states of the US 
    2. Canada 
    3. Examples of bituminous coal occurrence at Indian Reservations 
    4. Further remarks 
    5. References 
  10. China and the Far East 
    1. China 
    2. Myanmar 
    3. Thailand 
    4. Indonesia 
    5. Mongolia 
    6. Taiwan 
    7. References 
  11. India and adjacent countries 
    1. Major deposits 
    2. Further remarks 
    3. References 
  12. South America and Central America 
    1. Country by country analysis 
    2. Gondwana factors in the respective countries 
    3. Further information 
    4. References 
  13. Africa 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Selected African countries 
    3. Further information 
    4. References 
  14. Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific 
    1. Introduction 
    2. The Sydney Basin, NSW Australia 
    3. The Bowen Basin, Queensland Australia 
    4.  The Gunnedah Basin 
    5. The Buller and Greymouth coalfields, NZ 
    6. References 
  15. Fires at coalfields 
    1. Current or recent examples 
    2. References 
  16. Physical properties 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Density
    3. Surface areas 
    4. Bituminous coal as methane adsorbents 
    5. Bituminous coals as carbon dioxide adsorbents 
    6. Thermal conductivity 
    7. Other physical properties 
    8. Further remarks 
    9. References 
  17. Briquettes and other processed forms 
    1. Examples of briquetted bituminous coal 
    2. Bituminous coal-water slurries 
    3. Non-aqueous slurries 
    4. Biomass blending 
    5. Further remarks 
    6. References 
  18. Miscellaneous scenes of occurrence 
    1. Oman 
    2. Japan 
    3. Big Vein, MD 
    4. Iran
    5. Iceland 
    6. The Red Sea 
    7. References 
    8. Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) applications
    9. Introduction 
    10. Wabash River IN 
    11. Buggenum, The Netherlands [4] 
    12. Polk County FL 
    13. Taean South Korea 
    14. Puertollano, Spain 
    15. References

The regions of the world are reviewed for their bituminous coal production and utilisation.  These include Europe, North America, Australasia and  China, Africa and the Former Soviet Union.  Where the coals are  Gondwanan this is mentioned, and details given. International standards applicable to bituminous coals are given, and throughout the book there is some emphasis on the vitrinite reflectance. A number of instances where the rank of a coal and therefore its vitrinite reflectance have been raised by the action igneous rock are covered.  The  International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) features in the book, and its conventions for maceral nomenclature are applied. There is also coverage of bituminous coals in briquette form and slurry form.

About the author

Clifford Jones has spent a working lifetime in teaching, research and writing on fuels and combustion. He has held academic posts in the UK and Australia and has held visiting posts in a number of countries including Kazakhstan. He has written over 20 books and numerous papers and articles. He has major broadcasting experience.
About the Author

Prof. Dr J. Clifford Jones