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Basics of Accounting & Information Processing

The Accounting Cycle

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Language :  English
This book is the first of fifteen books which introduces the basic principles of accounting.
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Formally defined, accounting is a set of concepts and techniques that are used to measure and report financial information about an economic unit. While this may seem relatively straightforward, accounting is actually a very complex field that requires both technical proficiency and also a certain amount of artistry. This text introduces new practitioners to accounting fundamentals and helps prepare them for further studies in the field. It is available to download as a free e-book.

In Part 1, the reader is shown the difference between financial and managerial accounting, and introduced to professional ethics and the fundamental accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Owners’ Equity). Using concrete examples based on everyday scenarios, the text then outlines how a corporation collects account receivable, makes purchases using loan proceeds, and distinguishes between revenue and income. Additional topics covered include financial statements, retained earnings, articulation, debit and credit rules, asset and expenses dividends, the accounting journal, and T-accounting. Diagrams and charts are used throughout the text to help explain important concepts.

Readers interested in continuing their study should refer to author Larry M. Walther’s additional titles in the Accounting Cycle series, including Income Measurement and the Reporting Cycle, which is also available for free download on

  1. Part 1: Welcome to the World of Accounting
  2. Accounting Information
    1. Accounting Defined
    2. Financial Accounting
    3. Managerial Accounting
    4. A Quality Information System
    5. Inherent Limitations
  3. The Accounting Profession and Careers
    1. Accounting and Professional Ethics
  4. The Fundamental Accounting Equation
    1. Assets
    2. Liabilities
    3. Owners’ Equity
    4. Balance Sheet
  5. How Transactions Impact the Accounting Equation
    1. Edelweiss Collects an Account Receivable
    2. Edelweiss Buys Equipment With Loan Proceeds
    3. Edelweiss Provides Services to a Costumer on Account
    4. Edelweiss Pays Expenses With Cash
    5. Generalizing About the Impact of Transactions
    6. Distinguishing Between Revenue and Income
  6. The Core Financial Statements
    1. Financial Statements
    2. Income Statement
    3. The Statement of Retained Earnings
    4. Balance Sheet
    5. Statement of Cash Flows
    6. Articulation
    7. Unlocking the Mystery of Articulation
  7. Part 2: Information Processing
  8. Accounts, Debits, and Credits
    1. Accounts
    2. Debits and Credits
    3. The Fallacy of ”+/-“ Nomenclature
    4. The Debit/Credit Rules
    5. Assets/Expanses Dividends
    6. Liabilities/Revenues/Equity
    7. Analysis of Transactions and Events
    8. Determining an Account’s Balance
    9. A Common Misunderstanding About Credits
  9. The Journal
    1. Illustrating the Accounting Journal
    2. Special Journals
    3. Page Numbering
    4. But, What are the Account Balances?
  10. The General Ledger
    1. Posting
    2. To Review
  11. The Trial Balance
    1. Debits Equal Credits
    2. Financial Statements From the Trial Balance
  12. Computerized Processing Systems
    1. What do they Look Like
  13. T-accounts
    1. Comprehensive T-Accounting Illustration
    2. Chart of Account
    3. Control and Subsidiary Accounts
Excellent... very detailed!!!
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About the Authors

Christopher J. Skousen


Larry M. Walther