Professional eBook

Wired Influence

Make technology work for you again

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Language :  English
Wired Influence resets your relationship to technology to take back control over your digital spaces, time and freedom.
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We live in extraordinary times, navigating the uncharted waters of different epidemics while rapidly adapting to the societal, cultural, and digital shifts taking place. Wired Influence narrows in on the widely used and highly addictive technologies we’ve become dependent upon in our new digital workspaces. Learn ways to become more intentional with your use of technology, challenge what we've been 'sold' to believe by the tech giants, and build new ways of working for both you and your team to achieve balance and reconnect to the innate wisdom hardwired within ourselves.

About the author

Jillian Kowalchuk, BA, MSc, is an award-winning technology entrepreneur, keynote speaker, author, and leadership coach. She is the Founder and CEO of one of the fastest-growing technology start-ups in the UK, Safe & the City. But she was also ‘under the influence’ of technology, and after recovering from burnout during the COVID-19 crisis, she now teaches others how to reset their relationship with technology to gain back their time and freedom over the areas of our lives that matter most.

  • Acknowledgements
  • About the author
  • Introduction
  1. Where do we begin?
    1. Time out
    2. What does it mean to be ‘under the influence’ of technology?
    3. The dangers of being ‘under the influence’
  2. Factual Fiction
    1. Re-writing my story
    2. Fact or Fiction?
    3. The Division of Learning
    4. Wo/Man vsMachine
    5. Machine-Proof your career
    6. The Authors of Change
    7. Bring your Technologies to Life
  3. Read-between-the-screens
    1. Decoding my truth
    2. Doing less means more
    3. Give us a break
    4. Learn from tech companies
  4. Update your digital workplace
    1. The turning point
    2. Create an intentional digital work culture
    3. Manage expectations and boundaries
    4. Nurture the Technophobes
    5. Patience with yourself and others
    6. Technologies that don’t make the cut
  5. Your Digital Legacy
    1. Never stop evolving
    2. Our lives in numbers
    3. Improve your digital hygiene
    4. Your Digital Footprint
    5. Where do we go from here?
  • Conclusion
  • Endnotes
  • Appendices

Learn to evaluate personal and collective technology use. Intentionally shape a digital legacy that aligns with personal values.

Excellent book, great level of detail!
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About the Author

Jillian Kowalchuk