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Theory of waves in materials

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Language :  English
The book unites the basic theoretical facts from two parts of solid mechanics – mechanics of materials and mechanics of wave processes.
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The book unites the basic theoretical facts from two parts of solid mechanics – mechanics of materials and mechanics of wave processes. It links three important for engineering mechanics groups of fundamental facts from modern mechanics: the basic physical properties of materials; the reflecting these properties mathematical models and the corresponding to these models mechanical theories; the characteristic features of propagation of waves while the waves being analyzed within the framework of the basic models on examples of simplest types of waves.

  1. On materials. Preliminary
  2. On materials. Basic mechanical properties
  3. On waves. Basic wave phenomena
  4. On waves. Harmonic waves
  5. Elastic volume and shear waves
  6. Elastic linear harmonic plane waves
  7. Rayleigh, Love, Lamb elastic waves
  8. Elastic waves. Structural linear models
  9. Elastic harmonic plane waves in mixtures
  10. Viscoelastic waves. Basic models
  11. Viscoelastic volume and shear waves
  12. Viscoelastic plane waves
  13. Thermoelastic waves. Basic models
  14. Thermoelastic plane and spherical waves
  15. Elastoplastic waves. Classical models
  16. Elastoplastic shock waves
  17. Piezoelastic waves. Classical models
  18. Piezoelastic plane waves
  19. Piezoe1astic waves in piezopowders
  20. Magnetoe1astic waves
  21. Afterword
About the Author

Jeremiah Rushchitsky