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Paulos F040

A co-operative RTOS for the Silicon Labs C8051F040 µC

Language :  English
Third book in the series (search PaulOS on Bookboon site), ideal for µCs hobbyists and Eng/IT students, covers an RTOS for the C8051F040 µC. Full examples with SFR paging, more timers and CAN bus.
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This book is intended as a reference book for under-graduate students in Engineering and/or IT studying microcontrollers and embedded systems or for microprocessor hobbyists. It covers mainly the Silicon Labs C8051F040 microcontroller and it is the third book in the series all published by The first one in two parts dealt with the self-designed PaulOS, the 8051 Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) and the second covered a modified version of PaulOS for the C8051F020 also from Silicon Labs. This book further adapts the co-operative RTOS for the C8051F040 with its SFR paging requirement, increased number of timers, interrupts and CAN bus giving also various example application programs using the ARM Keil IDE.

About the author

Ing. Paul Debono read for his undergraduate degree in Telecommunications at the University of Malta which he followed 16 years later with an M.Sc. in Digital Communications from Loughborough University, U.K.

He has been employed with the University of Malta since 1983 within the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of ICT where he is a Senior lecturer in the Department of Communications and Computer Engineering.

Before joining the University, he had a 9-year stint in industry first with a Japanese firm Shin-Shirasuna Corporation and later with an Italian firm SGS-ATES. He is married to Maria, with two sons Neil and Luke.

  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  1. C8051F040 Basics
    1. Introduction
    2. Memory Types
    3. Program/Data Memory (Flash)
    4. External Data Address Space (XRAM)
    5. Special Function Register (SFR) Memory
  2. PaulOS_F040 – a co-operative RTOS
    1. Description of the RTOS Operation
    2. PaulOS_F040.C System Commands
    3. Descriptions of the commands
    4. PaulOS_F040 parameters header file
    5. Example using PaulOS_F040 RTOS
  3. Master-Slave CAN bus RTOS
    1. Multi-Controller RTOSs
    2. CAN bus RTOS Example
  4. Programming Tips and Pitfalls
    1. RAM size
    2. SFRs
    3. Setup faults
    4. Serial Port (UART0)
    5. Interrupts
    6. RTOSs pitfalls
    7. C Tips
  • Appendix A PaulOS_F040.C Source Code Listing
  • Appendix B – Further Example
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • End Notes
About the Author

Paul P. Debono