Professional eBook

More Stress Interventions

A Guide for Managers & Employees Part 4

Language :  English
The cost of litigation for stress-related illness is a major concern for most companies. Companies may be liable under common, criminal and health and safety law. Change is a major source of stress.
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The cost of litigation for stress-related illness is a major concern for most companies. They may find themselves liable under common, criminal and health and safety law. Successful law suits have been brought against companies for stress-related illnesses caused by violence, bullying, personality clashes, post-traumatic stress disorder, discrimination, work overload, inadequate training and constructive dismissal. All change is accompanied by stress brought on by the fear of the unknown.

About the author

Samuel A Malone is a self-employed training consultant, lecturer and author. He is the author of 21 books published in Ireland, the UK and abroad on learning, personal development, study skills and business management.  Some of his books have gone into foreign translations and second editions. He has an M.Ed. with distinction (in training and development) from the University of Sheffield and is a qualified Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA), Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) and a Chartered Secretary (ACIS). He is a fellow of the Irish Institute of Training and Development (FIITD).

  1. Legal Stress Interventions
    1. Employer Liability
    2. Law Suits
    3. Legal Costs
    4. Health & Safety Legislation
    5. Summary Learning Map of Legal Interventions for Chapter 1
  2. Interventions Due to Change
    1. Change
    2. Structure
    3. Technology
    4. Physical Location
    5. People
    6. Summary Learning Map of Change Interventions for Chapter 2
  3. Surviving Stress
    1. Time Management
    2. Delegation
    3. Assertiveness
    4. Conflict Resolution
    5. Summary Learning Map of Surviving Stress for Chapter 3
    6. 10 Activities for Handling Stress
About the Author

Samuel A. Malone