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Mechanics of Solids and Fracture

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Language :  English
The level of knowledge content given in this book is designed for the students who have completed elementary mechanics of solids for stresses and strains associated with various geometries.
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The level of knowledge content given in this book is designed for the students who have completed elementary mechanics of solids for stresses and strains associated with various geometries including simple trusses, beams, shafts, columns, etc. At the successful completion of understanding the content, the students will be able to reach a stage where they can do self-directed learning at any further advanced level in the area of mechanics of solids. The emphasis is given on the fundamental concepts for students to quickly follow through for an advanced level if required in the future. Fracture mechanics is included in this book with necessary preliminary steps for those who might have had difficulties with the subject in the past.

About the author

Dr Ho Sung Kim is Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, University Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia, and an editorial board member for ISRN Materials Science. His main teaching and research areas include mechanics of solids, statistics, composite materials and complex assessment. He has published numerous papers, has assessed various research proposals nationally and internationally, has refereed numerous international journal/conference papers, and has been a session chair to various international conferences. His main contributions in mechanics of solids include a fundamental formulation of essential work of energy for flexible materials, a method for measuring fatigue threshold stress intensity factor, and a theoretical framework of S-N curve, among other things. Also he has established a theoretical framework for complex assessment.

  • Preface
  1. Stress and strain
    1. Stress at a point
    2. Relation of principal stress with other stress components
    3. Stresses on oblique plane
    4. 3D Mohr’s circle representation
    5. Strain at a point
  2. Linear elastic stress-strain relations
    1. The Hooke’s law
    2. Calculation of stresses from elastic strains
    3. Plane stress and plane strain
    4. Strain energy
    5. Generalised Hooke’s law
    6. Elastic properties dependant on orientation
  3. Thin circular plates
    1. Stress and strain
    2. Bending moment
    3. Slope and deflection without boundary conditions
    4. A general axi-symmetric case where a circular plate is subjected to combined uniformly distributed load (p) and central concentrated load (F)
    5. A case where a circular plate with edges clamped is subjected to a pressure
    6. A case where a circular plate with edges clamped is subjected to a centrally concentrated load
    7. A case where a circular plate with edges freely supported is subjected to a pressure
    8. A case where a circular plate with edges freely supported is subjected to a central concentrated load
    9. A case where a circular plate with edges freely supported is subjected to a load round a circle
    10. A case where an annular ring with edges freely supported is subjected to a load round a circle
  4. Fundamentals for theory of elasticity
    1. Equilibrium and compatibility equations
    2. Airy’s stress function
    3. Application of equilibrium equations in photo-elastic stress analysis
    4. Stress distribution in polar coordinates
  5. S-N fatigue
    1. Various types of uniaxial loading
    2. S-N curve models
    3. Compatibility concept of fatigue damage and axioms
    4. Fatigue damage domains
    5. A damage function and validation
    6. Numerical determination of exponent n
    7. Examples for predicting of the remaining fatigue life
    8. Effect of mean stress on fatigue
  6. Linear elastic stress field in cracked bodies
    1. Complex stress function
    2. The stress around a crack tip
    3. Stress intensity factor determination
    4. Stress intensity factor with crazing
    5. Semi-elliptical crack
    6. ‘Leak-before-burst’ criterion
    7. Relation between energy release rate G and KI
    8. Fracture criteria for mixed mode loading
  7. Plastic deformation around a crack tip
    1. One-dimensional plastic zone size estimation
    2. Two dimensional shape of plastic zone
    3. Three dimensional shape of plastic zone
    4. Plastic constraint factor
    5. The thickness effect
    6. Thickness of adhesive layer
    7. Experimental determination of KIc
  8. Crack growth based on the energy balance
    1. Energy conservation during crack growth
    2. Griffith’s approach (1921)
    3. Graphical representation of the energy release rate
    4. Analytical Approach
    5. Non-linear elastic behaviour
    6. Crack growth resistance curve (R-curve)
    7. R-Curve and stability
    8. Geometric stability factors in elastic fracture
    9. Testing machine stiffness
    10. Essential work of energy
    11. Impact fracture toughness
  9. Single crack approach for fatigue
    1. Temperature and frequency effects on fatigue crack growth
    2. Fatigue crack life calculations
    3. Overload retardation and crack closure
    4. Variable amplitude loading
    5. Fatigue near threshold and measurement methods
    6. Interpretation of fatigue crack growth in and Diagrams
    7. Short crack behaviour in near-threshold fatigue
  • References
  • Index
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About the Author

Ho Sung Kim