Professional eBook

Leading and Managing the Hybrid Workforce

Language :  English
This eBook draws on the latest research to offer top tips and guidance for managers and leaders returning post pandemic to deliver performance in a new landscape of hybrid working.
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Leading and Managing the Hybrid Workforce draws on the latest research and practice to offer a series of ‘how to’ tips and guidance for all managers and leaders returning to the post pandemic workplace. Offices everywhere and workers everywhere have been profoundly impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic. Nearly two years of working exclusively and largely from home, managing complex tasks and even more complex workforces has shown everyone that the days of presenteeism in the office are gone. Workers want autonomy. They want to be together and also have the chance to work from home.

About the Author

Nick Isles is an author, consultant and CEO. His previous books include The Good Work Guide, What Kind of World Do We Want, The 7 Steps to Frontier Leadership and now Leading and Managing the Hybrid Workforce. All describe a different way of seeing, managing and leading in an ever more complex operating environment. He has been a Director of The Work Foundation, a leading UK think tank, offered strategic and leadership consultancy to many organisations including Tesco, Axa PPP, many Universities, Conde Nast and the Met Office among others. He was also the first Chair of the High Pay Centre.

  • About the author
  • Introduction: Hybridity
  1. Hybrid Workplaces are Productive Workplaces
    1. Autonomy
    2. The Principles of Hybrid Working
  2. Purpose
  3. Alignment and Engagement
  4. Communication
  5. Organisation
  6. Work is an idea not a construct
  • Table of figures
  • References

Improve communication skills to address the challenges of a hybrid workplace.

About the Author

Nick Isles