Professional eBook

Investigation Skills for Managers

(18 ratings )
2 reviews
Language :  English
This book is intended as a practical guide for managers in how to conduct an investigation.
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This book is intended as a practical guide for managers in how to conduct an investigation. Understanding that managers are busy people with little time to read detailed text, the authors have stripped out much of the theory to produce a step-by-step guide that can be dipped in and out of, but if followed will help produce a competent and effective investigation.

  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction
    2. The Basics of Investigations
    3. The Burden of Proof
    4. Balancing Action
    5. The Investigation Process
  2. Manage the Scene
    1. First Aid
    2. Photographs
    3. Sketches
    4. Witnesses
    5. Equipment
  3. Plan the Investigation
    1. What do you have?
    2. What About HR Investigations?
    3. Points to Prove
    4. Photographs
    5. Objectives
    6. Interview Planning
    7. Documentation
    8. Who Needs to be Involved
    9. Reporting
    10. Terms of Reference
    11. Control Sheet
  4. Gather Information
    1. Procedures and Documentary Evidence
    2. What Are You Looking For?
    3. What To Do With The Information Gathered?
  5. Conduct Interviews
    1. Conduct Interviews
    2. Elimination Statements
    3. Order of Interviews
    4. What is Being Established?
    5. Planning
    6. Communication
    7. Structuring the Interview
    8. Asking Questions
    9. Statements
    10. Note Taking
  6. Review
    1. Review the Investigation
    2. Things to check
  7. Complete Report
    1. Complete the Report
    2. Structure of the Report
    3. Recommendations
    4. How are people involved?
  8. Follow Up on Recommended Actions
This book is a great help for decision making
I found this a most informative and useful book for new and experienced investigators. It set out clear steps to take in undertaking an investigation and offers useful tips which are often missed.
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About the Author

Jim Johnston