Professional eBook

Introduction to Mergers & Acquisitions

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Language :  English
This book provides a straightforward introduction to the complex world of mergers and acquisitions.
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This book provides a straightforward introduction to the complex world of mergers and acquisitions. It discusses the rationale for acquisitions and disposals, before going on to examine the processes and practicalities of buying and selling both public and private companies. It covers key documentation, due diligence, and deal structuring. Its purpose is to give readers a clear insight into the issues and pitfalls in the world of M&A, with guidance on how to minimise risk through pre-transaction planning and effective post-acquisition integration.

  1. Chapter One
    1. What is M&A?
    2. The Goal of Acquisitions
    3. Synergies
    4. Acquisition Strategies
    5. Disposal Strategies
    6. From Strategy to Success
  2. Chapter Two
    1. Private Company Acquisitions: A Process Overview
    2. Early Stages
    3. Target Analysis and Evaluation
    4. Reaching Agreement
    5. Due Diligence
    6. Sale and Purchase Agreement
  3. Chapter Three
    1. Private Company Disposals: A Process Overview
    2. Routes to Disposal
    3. Demerger
    4. Controlled auction
    5. Alternative Methods of Disposal
  4. Chapter Four
    1. Public Company Takeovers – Introduction
    2. Which Rules Apply?
    3. Takeover Essentials
    4. The Takeover Process: Friendly Bids
    5. The Takeover Process: Hostile Bids
  5. Chapter Five
    1. Deal Structuring Essentials
  6. Chapter Six: Successful M&A
    1. Success and Failure in Acquisitions
    2. From Objectives to Plans
About the Author

Kate Creighton