Professional eBook

How to Deliver Successful Virtual Events

A Practical, Step by Step Guide to Virtual Events Success

Language :  English
The complete ‘how to’ guide to designing, planning, promoting and delivering exciting, engaging and rewarding virtual event experiences.
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As live events return, the smart money however predicts that virtual events are here to stay. Organisational event strategies now need to be a combination of virtual, hybrid (an event with a mix of live and online elements) and live events. This book helps give you the skills and confidence to thrive in this new virtual events world.     It is a one-stop real world ‘how to’ guide to designing, planning, promoting and delivering inspiring, engaging and rewarding virtual event experiences. It is packed full of best practice advice, top tips and checklists.

About the Author

Chris Powell, Director of The Event Expert provides event management courses and event consultancy services covering all types of business, public and virtual events. As a 25-year career event professional, he has been helping his clients from the UK, Europe and the Middle East develop the ideas, skills and confidence to run successful and rewarding live and virtual events.He is a self-confessed live and virtual event groupie…a lover of all thing’s events, speaker, blogger, author and above all else he is an events practitioner. He practices what he preaches.  

  • About the author: Chris Powell, The Event Expert
  • Introduction
  1. Welcome to the world of virtual events
    1. What are virtual events?
    2. They don’t feel like a real event
    3. Harnessing the virtual event opportunity
    4. The Event Expert 7-Step virtual event planning system
  2. Purpose - Is there really an audience for your virtual event?
    1. Pre-virtual event research
    2. Setting a clear event purpose: it’s why
    3. Why bother doing your homework?
  3. Programme - designing must attend virtual event programmes
    1. Virtual event programme design
    2. Virtual event programming principals
    3. Virtual event programme formdei654ats and content delivery options
    4. Engaging your audience
    5. Accessible virtual events
    6. Multilingual virtual events
    7. Breaks!
    8. How long should your programme be?
    9. Start times and which days’ work best
    10. Highly collaborative virtual events
    11. Evaluating your virtual event ideas
  4. Planning - making virtual events happen!
    1. Your virtual event planning team
    2. Event project planning
    3. The money: virtual event planning budgets
    4. Selecting your speakers and presenters
    5. Your virtual host
  5. Platforms: choosing your virtual event platform
    1. Pre-platform selection preparation
    2. What do you need and or would like from a platform?
    3. Shortlisting
    4. The demonstration and selection
  6. Pricing your virtual event to sell
    1. Your virtual event financial strategy
    2. What to charge?
  7. Promotion – Sold out, the art of virtual event promotion
    1. 9 step virtual event promotional plans
    2. The reality of virtual event registration
    3. Event websites
    4. Your promotional collateral
    5. Pre-event promotional activities to drive registrations
    6. Social media and virtual event promotion
    7. You have a signed-up audience but will they attend in person?
    8. How do you keep those who do turn up at the event!
    9. Post event: Promoting on demand content and keeping year-round engagement
    10. Which sections of your promotional plan actually worked?
  8. Production – delivering virtual events
    1. Virtual event production plans
    2. Event Day ‘run of show’ production plan
    3. Event Day preparatory activities
    4. It’s showtime!
    5. It’s a wrap!
    6. What did everyone think of our event?
  9. Virtual events: part of the new normal
    1. Final thoughts
  • Appendices: Practical examples and checklists
  1. What are the key benefits of virtual events: harnessing the opportunity?
  2. The Event Expert 7-Step Virtual Event Planning System in brief
  3. The how and why of pre-online event market research
  4. Event briefs
  5. Five step event ideas evaluation process
  6. Example virtual event programme outline
  7. Virtual event project planning
  8. Typical virtual event budget headings
  9. Essential virtual event speaker tips
  10. Virtual event slide design tips
  11. Useful online event search terms
  12. How to create a successful 9 step virtual event promotional plan
  13. Creating must view websites and landing pages
  14. Event attendee preparation and joining instructions
  15. Opening ‘welcome’ script
  16. Online presenters’ technical issues and fixes
  17.  Event Day presenters’ reminder checklist
  18. Event ‘closing’ script
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices: Practical examples and checklists

Apply the 7-step virtual event planning system. Manage the production and delivery of virtual events.

About the Author

Chris Powell