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Fuel usage of peat in industrial times

Language :  English
The book describes electricity generation from peat, and peat in briquetted and in carbonised form. Further topics include gasification and, importantly, the role of peatlands in carbon sequestration.
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Electricity production with peat internationally is covered, with some emphasis on Finland and the Republic of Ireland. Less developed countries covered include Rwanda. Peat in briquetted or pelletised form is discussed next, and coverage of peat in carbonised form follows. Steam activation of the carbonised product to make an adsorbent carbon features with some numerical details. Use of peat as a general-purpose solid fuel, in recent times and less recent, follows and there is description of peat fuel for locomotives. All of this is to the accompaniment of illustrations, figures and tables. In recognition of the importance of controlling sulphur emissions in combustion processes, the sulphur contents of peat from various sources are given and sulphur dioxide control measures outlined. Next come gasification and liquefaction, including producer gas manufacture and retorting. The role of peatlands in carbon sequestration has major coverage and this is seen as being a significant bonus for readers.

  1. Electricity generation
    1. Introduction
    2. Shatura Power Station, Moscow Oblast
    3. Rwanda
    4. Finland
    5. The Republic of Ireland
    6. Estonia
    7. Indonesia
    8. Irish peat fired power stations no longer in service
    9. Sweden
    10. Lithuania
    11. Further information and background on the structure of depositions
    12. References
  2. Briquetted and Pelletised Peat
    1. Background
    2. Country-by-country production of briquettes
    3. Pelletised peat
    4. Concluding remarks
    5. References
  3. Carbonised Peat
    1. Experimental investigations
    2. Carbonised peat products
    3. Concluding remarks
    4. References
  4. Combustion and related applications internationally
    1. Table of examples
    2. Further remarks
    3. References
  5. Gasification and Liquefaction of Peat
    1. Producer gas
    2. Retorting
    3. Steam gasification
    4. Liquid fuels from peat via Fischer-Tropsch (F-T)
    5. Further remarks
    6. References
  6. Carbon sequestration
    1. Comparisons with carbon sequestration by trees
    2. Further remarks
    3. References
  7. Domestic heating with peat
    1. Introduction
    2. Historical examples
    3. Stoves and fireplaces
    4. Air requirements
    5. References
  8. Hazards with peat
    1. Spontaneous heating
    2. Dust explosions
    3. Peat fires
    4. References
About the Author

Prof. Dr J. Clifford Jones