Audio Learning

Expert Talk: M&A and Company Culture

Talk with Chris Dyer & Darien George

18m 45s
Language :  English
Tune in to hear from Chris’ guest, Darien, who has been in the Talent industry since 2001 and leads Mackenzie Eason’s Talent Consulting division.
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Tune in to hear from Chris’ guest, Darien, who has been in the Talent industry since 2001 and leads Mackenzie Eason’s Talent Consulting division. In 2018, Darien wrote a book called ‘Broken Handoff’… When a business ‘marriage’ looks good on paper but goes horribly wrong. Chris and Darien dig into why Culture should be considered in Mergers & Acquisitions. And why Culture is so hard to quantify. 

About the author

Chris Dyer is passionate about the illusive qualities that make some businesses better than others. Why are some organizations more successful? After years of research and countless interviews with top leaders, Chris has uncovered seven key ingredients that matter in every workplace. These unconventional factors have the power to transform any culture, kick-starting productivity, performance, and profits. Don’t work harder; work smarter. Chris will show you how.
About the Author

Chris Dyer