Professional eBook

Comply with A.I.

Regulation is Coming (Get Ready Now)

Language :  English
Comply with A.I. dives into E.U., U.K., and U.S. regulations, focusing on compliance, domains, and issues. It is a must-read for tech workers and a should-read for the rest.
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Comply with A.I. describes an evolving marketplace composed of four parties: deliberate regulators in the E.U., the UK, and the U.S., a fast-moving industry worldwide, thoughtful academics, and a timid civil society. All four are trying to define the ground rules for their new playground. Comply can help producers with present- and future compliance fitness within their domain and within and among nations. It can help consumers make self-protecting choices. Regulation, especially U.S. self-regulation, links to domain-specific values and ethics for a deeper understanding of this technology.

About the Author

Dr. Wolf's career path began with civil and industrial engineering, followed by corporate information management. He founded two small I.T. businesses and served on the MBA faculty at NSU's Huizenga School in Ft Lauderdale. Public service includes a White House Fellowship at HUD in D.C. and an environmental regulatory agency chairmanship in Greenwich, Connecticut. His first exposure to Artificial Intelligence was in a neural network, dissertation and teaching. Wolf resides in Asheville, North Carolina, USA, and is active in writing on technology- and business ethics.

  • About the Author
  1. Technology Regulation over Time
    1. Preparing for regulations to evolve
    2. Industrial revolutions, then and now
    3. How A.I. got here, A brief history
    4. Utilitarianism as an A.I. moral framework
    5. Principles of measurement
  2. Comply U.S.
    1. The White House Blueprint and the Feds
    2. California and the other 49 States
    3. Self-regulation as a force for good
    4. Standards by Domain
    5. Rights come with Obligations
  3. Comply U.K.
    1. Guidance with a gentler touch
    2. The Data Protection Act of 2018 (DPA2018)
    3. The Center for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI)
    4. Softer Metrics
  4. Comply E.U.
    1. European Approach to Technology Regulation
    2. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). (controls data)
    3. Artificial Intelligence Act, (A.I. Act). (controls risks)
    4. The Digital Marketing Act (DMA) and the Digital Service Act (DSA)
    5. The New Product Liability Directive (NPLD)
    6. Application Metrics
  5. Reason over Fear
  • End Notes

Learn how evolving AI regulations will impact the use and development of AI technologies. Grasp the historical context and importance of ethical frameworks in AI like utilitarianism. Understand the need for clear measurements and standards in AI to ensure benefits and fairness. Advocate for education and ethical use of AI to help protect individual rights and maintain public trust.

About the Author

Dr. Frank Wolf