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CMOS Analog IC Design: Fundamentals

Language :  English
This book is intended for use as the main textbook for an introductory course in CMOS analog integrated circuit design.
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This book is intended for use as the main textbook for an introductory course in CMOS analog integrated circuit design. It is aimed at electronics engineering students who have followed basic courses in mathematics, physics, circuit theory, electronics and signal processing. It takes the students directly from a basic level to a level where they can start working on simple analog IC design projects or continue their studies using more advanced textbooks in the field.A distinct feature of this book is an emphasis on the interaction between analytical methods and simulation methods. Whenever relevant, the theoretical concepts are illustrated both through traditional mathematical models and through circuit simulations using the universally accepted program SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis).The material presented in this book has been adapted from material used by the author for many years of teaching an introductory one-semester course (5 ECTS credits) in CMOS analog integrated circuit design at the Technical University of Denmark.

  • Preface
  1. Chapter 1 – Introduction
    1. CMOS technology
    2. Why analog circuit design?
    3. Design methodology
    4. References
    5. Multiple-choice test
  2. Chapter 2 – Basic Concepts
    1. Signals
    2. Circuit elements
    3. Circuit theorems
    4. Circuit analysis
    5. References
    6. Multiple-choice test
    7. Problems
  3. Chapter 3 – The MOS Transistor
    1. Fundamentals of pn diodes
    2. Physical characteristics of the MOS transistor
    3. Electrical characteristics of the MOS transistor
    4. Examples of the use of the Shichman-Hodges transistor model
    5. Small-signal models
    6. Deriving a small-signal equivalent circuit from a large-signal schematic
    7. Advanced transistor models
    8. References
    9. Multiple-choice test
    10. Problems
  4. Chapter 4 – Basic Gain Stages
    1. The common-source stage at low frequencies
    2. The common-drain stage at low frequencies
    3. The common-gate stage and the cascode stage at low frequencies
    4. The differential pair at low frequencies
    5. Frequency response of the basic gain stages
    6. References
    7. Multiple-choice test
    8. Problems  
  5. Chapter 5 – Multistage Amplifiers
    1. Cascode opamps
    2. The two-stage opamp
    3. The two-stage opamp with feedback
    4. References
    5. Multiple-choice test
    6. Problems
  6. Chapter 6 – Feedback
    1. The basic feedback structure
    2. Advantages of feedback
    3. Feedback topologies
    4. The inverting amplifier
    5. Stability
    6. Frequency compensation
    7. References
    8. Multiple-choice test
    9. Problems
  7. Chapter 7 – The Two-Stage Opamp
    1. Specifications for a design example
    2. Bandwidth and stability requirements
    3. Bias point and transistor dimensions
    4. Design verification and iteration
    5. References
    6. Multiple-choice test
    7. Problems
  8. Chapter 8 – Bias Circuits, Bandgap References and Voltage Regulators
    1. Current mirrors
    2. Bias current circuits with reduced supply voltage dependency
    3. Bandgap voltage references
    4. Voltage regulators
    5. References
    6. Multiple-choice test
    7. Problems
  9. Chapter 9 – Essential Results and Equations
    1. Design methodology
    2. Device models, linear passive devices
    3. Device model, pn diode
    4. Small-signal models
    5. Device models, MOS transistors
    6. Basic gain stages at low frequency
    7. Frequency response of basic gain stages
    8. Feedback
    9. The two-stage opamp
    10. Current mirrors and current sources
    11. Bandgap reference principle
    12. Voltage regulators
  • Appendix A – Answers to Multiple-Choice Tests
  • Appendix B – Answers to End-of-Chapter Problems
  • Appendix C – Transistor Models
  • Index

Understand the method to find open-circuit voltage loop gain without knowing exact impedance values. Explain how to use a small test voltage to measure loop gain. Identify the benefits of assuming an open circuit for this type of measurement.

About the Author

Erik Bruun