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Work Planning in Production

Language :  English
The main focus of this book lies on the contents of the short-term and medium-term work planning (bill of materials administration, work plan creation, CNC programming and calculation).
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This book is intended for students of the natural and engineering sciences, especially from the departments of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, as well as students of Business Administration and Logistics. Therefore, the book is designed as a goal-oriented guide to systematically further the understanding of the individual steps of the work planning process. The main focus lies on the contents of the short-term and medium-term work planning (bill of materials administration, work plan creation, CNC programming and calculation) within the operations scheduling. The selection of topics and contents was strongly oriented towards company practice.

About the author

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dieter Hartrampf, born in 1958, has been an academic staff member of the Technical University Wildau (Brandenburg, Germany), in the Industrial Engineering department, since 2010.After receiving his “Abitur”-certificate, accomplishing an apprenticeship as a lathe operator and practical work in the "Berliner Metallhütten und Halbzeugwerk", steel plant in berlin, he began to study the Technology of Manufacturing Industry at the Engineering School for Mechanical Engineering in Wildau.Since 1986 Dieter Hartrampf was a member of the Engineering School Wildau (later Technical University Wildau), as an engineer for teaching and research, in the study programs Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering.His later activity as an academic staff member is characterized by lectures, seminars and laboratory exercises, but also through responsible participation in industrial assignments and the organization of courses for students in the lecture-free time (REFA, MTM).

  • About the author
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  1. Set of drawings
    1. Product classification
    2. Drawings
    3. Bills of materials
    4. Parts where-used list
  2. Work plan creation
    1. Basics for the work plan
    2. Steps for creating a work plan
  3. Programming of machine tools
    1. Basics of CNC programming
    2. Steps of programming
    3. CNC programming according to DIN 66025 or PAL
  4. Accounting
    1. Determination of cost rates
    2. Calculation of the economical batch size
    3. Costing
  • Solutions to the control questions
  • Bibliography
  • List of figures
  • List of tables

Dieter Hartrampf