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The Keys to Teamwork. Part II

Optimal Planning Through Joint Vision

Language:  English
In this book we will review the keys that will allow you, as leaders of a team, to jointly create a VISION to be used as the basis for optimal planning to undertake any task.
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When we lead a team, we must answer three basic questions: What do our team members think, what do they do and what do they feel?Many times, we make the mistake of focusing only on what they do; as leaders especially, we focus on defining and dividing tasks, limiting our interaction with the team to simply keeping track of how they perform the work. However, excellent leadership is much more, starting with careful planning (based on a joint vision). The way to achieve this is more complex than it might seem, but if it is achieved, its impact will be phenomenal.

About the Author

Gorka Iglesias is a PhD in Industrial Engineering and holds an MBA. He has been leading teams for more than twenty years in different areas and kinds of companies in international environments. Currently, he works for a large multinational coordinating a network of product development teams based in various European countries.At the end of 2020 he wrote ‘Ready, Steady, Go! A different and truly effective way to lead teams’ (in Spanish) where he presents his innovative approach to optimizing project management and team leadership.

  • About the author
  • Preface. Introduction to the ‘Ready, Steady, Go!’ method
  1. The importance of the first meetings with the team
  2. The four actions to be carried out during project development
  3. ‘Steady’ phase – Visualize
    1. A bit of theory
    2. Define the Current State
    3. Define the Desired State
    4. The affinity diagram and the weighted selection
    5. Long-, medium- and short-term planning/vision
  • Endnotes

Learn how to establish trust within a team for optimal project outcomes. Analyze and adapt the team’s action plan based on regular progress reviews.

Gorka Iglesias Toquero