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Strategic Marketing

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Language :  English
Strategic Marketing is aimed as an introduction to Strategic Marketing Management for students on Marketing and Business strategy courses.
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Strategic Marketing is aimed as an introduction to Strategic Marketing Management for students on Marketing and Business strategy courses. It covers the origins of modern marketing, relates contemporary and classic theory to Marketing in both academic and practical terms, providing a solid foundation for the understanding of Marketing. A valuable resource to the student and marketing practioneer alike, this book is a discerning choice for those seeking a deeper knowledge of Marketing’s theory and its place within a modern, effectively and efficiently run business.

This free eBook can be read in combination with and in some cases instead of the following textbooks:

  • Strategic Marketing 10th edition, by David Cravens & Nigel Piercy
  • Strategic Marketing Problems 13th edition, by Roger Kerin & Robert Peterson
  • Strategic Marketing 1st edition, by Todd Mooradian, Kurt Matzler & Larry Ring
  1. So what is marketing?
    1. The Three levels of Marketing
    2. The value of Marketing; Needs, Utility, Exchange Relationships & Demand
    3. The Theoretical basis of competition
    4. Alternative Frameworks: Evolutionary Change and Hypercompetition
    5. The Marketing Concept
  2. What can be marketed?
    1. Core Benefit Product
    2. Basic product
    3. Augmented product
    4. Perceived product
    5. A note on branding
    6. Summary of the Chapter
  3. Marketing’s role in the business
    1. Cross-functional issues
    2. Strategic issues
    3. Forecasting market and sales
    4. Implementation, Analysis, Control & Evaluation
    5. Objectives setting
  4. Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
    1. Segmentation
    2. Targeting
    3. What is positioning?
    4. Positioning and Perception
    5. Perceptual Mapping
    6. Strategies for Product Positioning
    7. Product Re-positioning
    8. Corporate Positioning
    9. Chapter Summary
  5. Branding
    1. Why do we brand products?
    2. Chapter summary
  6. The Marketing Mix
    1. Price
    2. Place
    3. Product
    4. Promotion
    5. Physical Evidence
    6. People
    7. Process
  7. Product Management
  8. Marketing Communications or MarCom or Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
    1. The Marketing Communications Mix
    2. The Marketing Communication Process
    3. Marketing Related Messages
    4. The development of Marcoms
    5. Chapter Summary
  9. Expanding marketing’s traditional boundaries
Excellent, clear and detailed information. Smart analysis of marketing.
Leuk boek voor beginnende marketeers.
This is very helpful to students who are taking up Marketing and to business owners. It's not enough that one has to know what and how is marketing done, it should be strategic. Great book!

Andrew Whalley