
Models for Coaches/Mentors

Language :  English
This is an A to Z guide of the best coaching models currently available. Line managers and coaches interested in the further development of their staff will find it of particular interest.
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This is an A to Z guide and resource book of the best coaching models currently available. Line managers and coaching professionals interested in the further development of their staff will find the book of particular interest when helping them reach their full potential. A total of 17 models are covered. The models range from the ACHIEVE Coaching Model to the STRIDE Coaching Model. In between you will encounter many other models, some of which are critical to a good understanding of modern coaching and mentoring.   Acronyms have been used throughout the text as a memory jogger to make some of the models more memorable. Each model is accompanied by an illustrative diagram and appropriate quotation. The diagrams will help coaches to grasp the key concepts behind the model quickly and easily.

About the author

Samuel A Malone is a self-employed training consultant, lecturer, moderator, examiner and author. He has published numerous journal articles in the fields of learning, study skills, personal development, motivation and management. He is the author of 21 books published in Ireland, the UK and worldwide on learning, personal development, study skills and business management. Some of his books have been translated into foreign languages including Russian, Spanish, Danish and Norwegian, and gone into second editions. His most recent book (2014) is titled Awaken the Genius Within – A Guide to Lifelong Learning Skills (Glasnevin Publishing, Dublin). He has a M.Ed. with distinction (in training and development) from the University of Sheffield and is a qualified Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA), Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) and a Chartered Secretary (ACIS) and a member of the Irish Institute of Industrial Engineers. He is a Fellow of the Irish Institute of Training and Development (FIITD).

  • Introduction 
  1. ACHIEVE Coaching Model 
  2. ADKAR Change Model 
  3. Appreciative Inquiry 
  4. Apprenticeship Training Model 
  5. Change Model: Kubler-Ross 
  6. Change Model Lewin 
  7. CLEAR Coaching Model 
  8. Communication Model 
  9. Core Qualities Model 
  10. Force Field Analysis 
  11. FUEL Coaching Model 
  12. GROW Model for Coaching 
  13. OSKAR Coaching Model 
  14. POSITIVE Coaching Model 
  15. PRACTICE Coaching Model 
  16. SCARF Model 
  17. STRIDE Coaching Model 
  • Acknowledgements 
  • About the Author

Samuel A. Malone