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Managing Primary & Secondary Schools

A Primer

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Language :  English
The book is aimed at students in management, education and other subjects planning a career in primary and secondary schools, at school personnel and members of the broader interested public.
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The book is aimed at students in management, education and other subjects planning a career in primary and secondary schools, at school personnel and members of the broader interested public. Co-authors of the book are an academic-practitioner in management who taught university courses and consulted corporations and organizations at both sides of the Atlantic and a psychologist working at secondary level schools for special education needs teenagers for the last 7 years, after running her private practice and lecturing school teachers at the post-graduate level. Father and daughter have composed this ‘primer’ hoping it will help to highlight the art and science of managing modern primary and secondary schools.

  1. What is Management? 
    1. A quick glimpse at the protagonists of the classical and neoclassical approaches 
    2. Henri Fayol’s Administrative Management Approach (Fayolism) 
    3. F. W. Taylor’s Scientific Management Approach (Taylorism) 
    4. Max Weber’s Bureaucratic Management Approach 
  2. The shift of focus to Human Relations in management theories 
    1. George Elton Mayo’s work and the dawn of the Human Relations Approach 
    2. Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of the hierarchy of human needs 
    3. Herzberg’s and Likert’s contributions to the Human Relations Approach 
    4. McGregor’s XY and Ouchi’s Z theories of management 
  3. The Greek imprint on education 
    1. Education in Athens and Sparta 
    2. Education in Rome 
    3. Education in other Mediterranean cultures, Babylon and Persia 
  4. Education in ancient Far East: China and the Indian subcontinent 40
    1. Education in China 
    2. Education in India 
  5. Western education from the dawn of Christianity to the 20th century 
    1. Gradations in the Athenian and Roman education system 
    2. Education in medieval times and Renaissance 
    3. The Industrial Revolution and schooling for the non-privileged classes 
  6. The United Nations 1959 Unanimous Resolution on the Rights of Children 
  7. Nursery, kindergarten, primary and secondary schools 
  8. Brief presentations of Schooling systems around the Globe 
  9. Schooling systems in selected European countries and Russia 
  10. Schooling systems in North and South America 
  11. Schooling systems in selected African countries 
  12. Schooling systems in selected Asian countries, Australia and New Zealand 
  13. Schooling for pupils with SEN and Disabilities – A brief preamble 
  14. Schooling for SEN and Disabilities pupils in selected E.U. States and Russia 
  15. Schooling for SEN and Disabilities pupils in North and South America 
  16. Schooling for SEN and Disabilities pupils in selected African countries 
  17. Schooling for SEND pupils in selected Asian countries, Australia & New Zealand
  18. From Athens of the 5th century B.C. to the USA of the 20th century A.D. 
  19. A brief glimpse of research efforts at the Universities of Iowa, Ohio and Michigan 
  20. Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s 7 stage ‘leadership pattern’ continuum 
  21. The appearance of ‘contingency’ and ‘situational leadership’ theories 
  22. ‘Transactional’ and ‘transformational’ leadership theories 
  23. The theory of ‘emotional intelligence’ comes on stage 
  24. When titles signify roles: manager and leader as the two sides of the same coin 
  25. Selected duties and responsibilities of primary and secondary school administrators 
  26. Characteristics of successful school administrators as ‘managers and leaders’ 
    1. The case of London’s ‘Tower Hamlets’ experience 
    2. Jeremy Sutcliffe’s ‘Desert Island Challenge’ 
    3. The Wallace Foundation Report on the School Principal as Leader 
    4. Mitchells’ research on the characteristics of successful special school administrators 
Very interesting book for everybody involved in education from two excellent scientists, congratulations!!!
An impressive addition to education bibliography which is useful to university students and all those active in providing services in elementary and secondary level educational institutions.
A modern, fresh and enlightening textbook on the significance for every society subject of managing primary and secondary schools. Excellent textbook.
An excellent textbook on managing primary and secondary schools aimed not only at University students majoring in Education otr Management but to practitioners as well as members of Committees deciding o appointments of Headteachers, Principals or Directors.
If you plan a career in education you should read this book carefully to understand what differentiates average from distinguisdhed schools beyond money and social class. If you are already in education I will assume that you will agree with the two authors!
Fresh, informative and properly challenging book on the art (and science) of successfully managing a school at either the primary or secondary level! The book has a global overview on both regulatr and SEND education. Useful to aspiring and active school principals, headteachers and directors.
A remarkable edition to education bibliography with an impressive global perspective justifying the reality that education is a global matter! Highly recommend.
Innovative, challenging, informative and useful textbook for both aspiring and serving school administrators. Excellent university level book!
Definitely a MUST READ book for everybody involved in primary and secondary education and surely it should be on the reading list of university education modules!
Well-structured, well-written and meticulously supported book bringing some fresh outlook to the art and science of managing the people and using effectively the resources involved in providing primary and secondary level education. The inclusion of references from Nations across the five continents including SEND statistics give a truly impressive global perspective to a noteworthy addition to existing education bibliography. Well done!
Innovatively provocative and sound thesis well supported and draped in a global perspective. A most valuable edition to the education bibliography!
A fresh, well documented thesis on what is the main critical element in rendering primary and secondary schools excellent! Well structured and properly supported by bibliography the textbook will enrich relevant university modules and bring up to date those of us involved in the education field.
The father/daughter pair of coauthors undeniably know their stuff and commendably they have created a textbook deserving the attention of education students as well as all those who plan a career in education!
Valuable aid to those aspiring to reach school administrator posts. Excellent refresher for serving school administrators. Must read for university students in education departments. Brilliant job!
A fresh look at the eternal and significant institution of education focusing on the crucial primary and secondary levels. After all colleges and universities can produce more useful specialists at the tertiary level if their students come in well prepared. A very significant well documented addition to relevant bibliography by a father/daughter pair of experts.
A remarkably impressive and provocatively challenging addition to the bibliography of successful management of schools! The book's theses are noteworthy and should become the nucleus of a much needed fresh dialogue on the role of top primary and secondary school managers as keys to upgrading school quality on a worldwide range.
Excellent textbook, well structured and provocative and well documented theses with global applications! A must read book for educators across all continents.
Compliments to the father/daughter authoring pair for producing a significant resource for all of us involved I the field of primary/secondary education and to university students preparing to join us. With summer holidays ahead download and read it.
Well structured, innovative in its conception, adequately supported in its arguments book which should servevas the start point for a much needed dialogue on improving the quality of primary and secondary schools on a global basis!
Professor Piperopoulos and Dr Piperopoulou deserve a round of applause for their excellent book. It is a notable addition to existing scientific bibliography in education and management and an eye opener for patents who wonder what are the ctrutical factors for making verybgood and excellent schools! As a parent I have found but informative, understandable and well documented.
A well structured, pleasant reading textbook which carries a significant message: surely physical and technical infrastructure is needed for primary and secondary school pupils and students BUT the key to success is the top administrator who can coordinate and inspire his or her staff leading them to excel
With summer vacation ahead I suggest you download and read this excellent textbook. I thoroughly enjoyed it and recommend it wuthout any resetrvations to education colleagues. It covers a lot of grounds in a very fresh innovative style
An excellent textbook written by two experienced professionals which enriches existing bibliography in the field of education. Noteworthy treatment of regular and SEND education on primary and secondary school levels enhanced by the select provision of ptractices and statistics on a global scale.
A bold statement on creating excellent schools by permitting excellent administrators to do their job! The book is a first rate text for education students and an excellent guide for Boards delegated the task of appointing the right persons to the right posts.
A well structured, well supported modern textbook which can enrich thevtreading lists of a variety of Universiity modules in management and education. Professionals already employed in education on a global scale should upload it on their ipad/laptop and read this book during the coming summer break.
Obviously the two co-authors, father and daughter, brought forth a very useful textbook combining their extensive experiences. He is an academic/practitioner and she is a tenured psychologist working with SEND adolesventsbin a special education school. A book valuable for both students and educators as well as the general public.
Those who rightfully assert that tertiary education of high quality presupposes primary and secondary high quality education will find strong arguments vs up porting them in this modern, well structured and properly authenticated crest book written by two qualified educators. The book's global data and the inclusion of data on SEND education increases its appeal for a worldwide audience of educators and students in education and management!
Well structured, creatively developed and convincing textbook on what makes the difference in primary and secondary school quality and excellence in ranking! The book has a global character presenting I data from selected countries on a worldwide basis and excels in including education realitiesand statistics for schools catering to SEND students!
As a middle school Principal I found it to be a really useful reference textbook, well structured and very well documented! A novel edition to the relevant bibliography.
A modern view on school administration with a well-documented global perspective. A compass for aspiring and a useful reftresher for serving school administrators.
The two co-authors (the father a seasoned academic and practitioner in Business Education and the daughter an experienced psychologist working with SEND adolescents) have combined their expertise in creating a very useful book for university students as well as education personnel. Challenging and well supported thesis.
A surprisingly creative modern look at the art and science of managing schools. Indeed challenging and well supported theses.
The book can do without reference as A Primer! It will surely enrich the bibliography of many Education and Management modules at under and post graduate levels NUT it is a robust textbook which deserves the attention of educators and politicians who are indeed genuinely interested in improving the quality levels of primary and secondary schools!
Worthwhile reading for university students, education personnel and interested general public members. I highly recommend it to State or Private Boards who select top administrators for school systems under their jurisdiction!
Informative and challenging book worthy for both university students and practioners in the domains of primary and secondary levels of education. Well structured, well written and reading well.
As an educator and mother of two school children I found this book contemporary, informative and well written. It certainly adds well to existing bibliography!
University students in education and management schools will learn from this book. Aspiring education employees will be helped to chart their toad to management positions in primary and secondary schools. Members of the interested public will understand why their children's school is classified as poor, good, or excellent. Well written and well documented with a global perspective!
I would recommend it to University students as a basic reference book and to practitioners in primary ans secondary education as a useful "refresher"!
A modern, well structured, properly documented textbook on the Art and Science of successfully managing schools.
Coauthored by a pair of very experienced experts the book will enrich relevant academic bibliography and will prtove very useful to practioners of all fields involved in educating our children and adolescents. The inclusion if global Education data is a plus!
For novices a great help and for seasoned personnel a much needed updater. A book well written, well supported and contemporary!
Professor Georgios and Dr Natasha Piperopoulos as talented educators have created a book which is a must read by all if us involved in providing high lelel quality education at the primary and secondary levels. Commendable global perspective including interesting data on normal and SEND pupils from chosen Nations in the 5 continents.
Either during one of your next weekends or the next school break I politely urge you to download and read this book! It is provocative in its thesis but convincing in its well supported arguments!
Remarkably modern, well documented book by two co-authors who have amassed impressive expertise. It provides answers to education personnel who are searching fort excellence and it questions the not-so- objective decisions of Boards appointing Principals, Headteachets and Directors.
Education was, is and will continue to be one of society's major and fundamental institutions and the primary/secondary levels set the stage for going out to the work world or continuingbto the tertiary level. This book is well supported in its argument as to what and who make the difference between run/if/the/mill or excellent schools! Worthwhile reading!
Contemporary, interesting and challenging book written by two professionals who obviously stand out as authors not just because of their established expertise but also fort their father/daughter relation.
A notable book for students and practitioners in the fields of education and management. Its global perspective adds an additional positive dimension to the provocative and true narrative of this book.
I will highly recommend it as richly informative for novices entering the primary and secondary school education field and refreshingly provocative to more experienced employees.
A brilliant addition to both education and management bibliographies. The book serves well its purpose and surely transcends the 'primer' level!
Simply a really useful book not just for students in education and management but for all of us involved in primary and secondary education.

Dr. Anastasia-Natasha G. Piperopoulou


Prof. Georgios Piperopoulos