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LinkedIn: 40 fast facts and fixes

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Tap into the power of the LinkedIn online business network to advance your career and business. Use these facts and fixes to develop your professional online presence.
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Harnesses the power of LinkedIn to advance your career and business interests. LinkedIn offers a purely business network allowing other professionals review your talents, skills, employment history and network. With a global membership of over 500 million it is a great way to make business connections online, and expand your professional network. This eBook is written to help you to develop your professional online presence, with ideas on how to create a stunning profile, and facts and fixes to grow your network and strengthen business relationships. 

About the author

Jane worked for many years in international business finance. In her forties she made a career switch to develop her career as psychologist, coach and writer. She gained her BSc Hons Psychology with the Open University and followed that with a Diploma in Coach Counselling with the Nederlandse Academy van Psychotherapy. She later also trained as an Equine Assisted Coach. For more that fourteen years she ran her own coaching business providing individual coaching and training workshops to businesses and private clients in the Netherlands. Her professional writing career began when she joined the writing team of “Amsterdam - The complete residents guide” published by Explorer Publishing and has published four titles with Bookboon as well as a number of articles on diverse subjects.Jane is now retired. She is a volunteer with a refugee organization and is working on her first novel.

  1. Setting Up A Great Profile 
    1. Fix 1 – before we begin let’s keep our activity secret! 
    2. Fix 2 – what do people see when they find you on LinkedIn? 
    3. Fix 3 – get a great profile photo! 
    4. Fix 4 – use all the free promotional space 
    5. Fix 5 – your professional headline goes further than LinkedIn 
    6. Fix 6 – think about your summary 
    7. Fix 7 – your work experience is unique 
    8. Fix 8 – add rich media to your profile 
    9. Fix 9 – add a new profile section 
    10. Fix 10 – edit your public profile
    11. Fix 11 – add a profile in another language 
    12. Fix 12 – recommendations 
    13. Fix 13 – request a recommendation: recommendation someone 
    14. Fix 14 – featured skills and endorsements 
  2. Connecting and Expanding your Network 
    1. Fix 15 – networking on LinkedIn 
    2. Fix 16 – invitations to connect 
    3. Fix 17 – the best way to connect 
    4. Fix 18 – new sections mean new connections 
    5. Fix 19 – engagement, strengthening relationships 
    6. Fix 20 – How far does your engagement reach? 
  3. Strengthening Network Relationships 
    1. Fix 21 – status updates 
    2. Fix 22 – writing articles for LinkedIn 
    3. Fix 23 – add a hashtag to your drafted article 
    4. Fix 24 – give the heads up to LinkedInEditors 
    5. Fix 25 – Checking your statistics? 
    6. Fix 26 – you don’t just have to share written articles 
    7. Fix 27 – how to find groups that work for you 
  4. Search LinkedIn for your Next Great Role 
    1. Fix 28 – How do you use LinkedIn to find a job? 
    2. Fix 29 – use the jobs page layout to your advantage 
    3. Fix 30 – create a Job Search Alert 
    4. Fix 31 – viewing profiles in private mode 
    5. Fix 32 – give a private signal to recruiters 
    6. Fix 33 – using the search function for jobs 
    7. Fix 34 – LinkedIn’s new messaging feature 
    8. Fix 35 – structuring your people search 
    9. Fix 36 – steps to take when you get a new job 
    10. Fix 37 – take a premium account 
  5. More Benefits of the LInkedIn Platform 
    1. Fix 38 – LinkedIn is not just for job seekers 
    2. Fix 39 – LinkedIn is for small businesses too 
    3. Fix 40 – profinder 
  6. Final Words 
It provides a quick and clear overview how to... with LinkedIn. I found it very helpful.

Jane Stephenson