
In-depth Beginner’s Guide to Excel Pivot Tables

Navigating PivotTables to Create Meaningful Reports

Language :  English
Excel PivotTable Guide explaining Rows, Columns, Filters, Values, Formatting, Updating, Sorting, Error Messages and Top Tips.
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Excel PivotTable Guide explaining Rows, Columns, Filters, Values, Formatting, Updating, Sorting, Error Messages and Top Tips to enable you to create meaningful PivotTables easily and accurately.

About the Author

The author is Gina Cohen, a UK based Microsoft Office Trainer and Consultant. After graduating in Accounting and Management, Gina worked as a Financial Controller at an American Investment Bank for eleven years, during that time she qualified as a Management Accountant (CIMA). Gina then set up Sunbird Advisers in 2013 and has been teaching and consulting ever since. Gina spends most of her time teaching Excel, building reports and spreadsheet consulting, but also enjoys teaching PowerPoint, Word, Outlook and Teams.

  • About the author
  1. What is a Pivot Table?
  2. When would you use a Pivot Table?
  3. Creating a Basic Pivot Table
    1. Create a Pivot Table Outline
    2. Inserting Pivot Table Fields
    3. Formatting Pivot Table Fields
    4. Using more than one field in Rows
    5. Chapter Summary
  4. Filtering Pivot Tables
    1. Filtering Pivot Tables
    2. Filtering using Inbuilt Feature
    3. Filtering Using Pivot Table Field List
    4. Comparing the Two Filtering Options
    5. Filtering more than one Location
    6. Comparing the Two Filtering Options when Filtering more than one location
    7. Chapter Summary
  5. Column Field
    1. Introduction to Columns
    2. Using the Columns box
    3. Tips for using the Columns box
    4. Chapter Summary
  6. Updating Pivot Tables
    1. Refreshing Pivot Tables
    2. Changing the Source Data
    3. Chapter Summary
  7. Sorting data in Pivot Tables
    1. Sorting Pivot Tables
    2. Sorting Pivot Tables Alphabetically
    3. Sorting Pivot Tables Ascending or Descending
    4. Chapter Summary
  8. Renaming Pivot Tables
    1. Pivot Table Names
    2. Renaming Pivot Tables
    3. Chapter Summary
  9. Error Messages
    1. Overlapping Pivot Tables
    2. Field Names Invalid
    3. Chapter Summary
  10. Changing the values
    1. Sum or Count
    2. Percentages
    3. Chapter Summary
  11. Top Tips
    1. Renaming Row Labels
    2. Custom Field Names
    3. Chapter Summary
  12. Book Summary
  • Table of Figures

Learn to apply filters in Pivot Tables to focus on specific data points or subsets within your data. Gain knowledge on how to update and refresh Pivot Tables when the source data changes. Find out how to sort Pivot Table data alphabetically or by values, either ascending or descending.