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Human Anatomy Synopsis

Anatomical Terminology and Tissues

Language :  English
This synopsis contains information on Anatomical Terminology as well as Tissues to including Epithelium, Connective Tissue Proper, Cartilage, Bone, Muscle, Nerve as well as Blood and Lymph Vessels.
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Anatomical Terminology and Tissues is the sixth book in the series of Essential Anatomy Synopses. This text contains content on Anatomical Terminology (Definitions, Positional Descriptors, Cardinal Planes, Movement Descriptors, and Types of Joints) as well as Tissues to include Epithelium, Connective Tissue Proper, Cartilage, Bone, Muscle, Nervous Tissue as well as Blood and Lymph Vessels. This text includes clinical correlations to function, dysfunction, injury, healing, and aging. After each content area, there are short answer Study Questions to help students relate and apply the anatomy.

About the author

Professor Gorniak taught graduate health care professionals at 3 Universities for 40 years. He has a PhD. in Anatomical Sciences, a BS in Physical Therapy and practiced clinically for 15 years. He has over 30 peer reviewed publications on anatomy and biomechanics; 5 years of NIH post-doctoral work in biomechanics; developed online Anatomy and Biomechanics courses; produced a video dissection series; and authored illustrated note packs for Biomechanics and Anatomy.
  • Preface
  1. Anatomical terminology
    1. Definition of Anatomy
    2. Other Positional Descriptors
    3. Cardinal Planes and Axes of Motion
    4. Movement Descriptors
    5. Types of Joints
    6. Types of Synovial Joints (See Fig. 1-6)
  2. Tissues of the body
    1. Introduction
    2. Types of Epithelia
    3. Surface Epithelia
    4. Skin
    5. Inflammation
    6. Burns and Decubitus Ulcers
    7. Aging
  3. Connective tissue
    1. Introduction
    2. Connective tissue fibers
    3. Classification of Collagen by Type
    4. Collagen Aging
    5. Connective Tissue Cells
    6. Ground Substance
    7. Collagen Fiber Function
    8. Types of Connective Tissue Proper
    9. Fascia (fig. 3.7)
    10. Tendons and Ligaments
    11. Aging
  4. Cartilage
    1. Introduction
    2. Fibers and Ground Substance (Fig. 4.1)
    3. Types Of Cartilage
    4. Articular Cartilage
    5. Nutrition of Articular Cartilage
    6. Articular Cartilage Function
    7. Articular Cartilage Damage and Repair
    8. Articular Cartilage Wear
    9. Aging
  5. Bone
    1. Introduction
    2. Bone Composition
    3. Types of Bone
    4. Bone Structure
    5. Bone Stress and Strain
    6. Bone Formation and Growth
    7. Bone Stress and Strain
    8. Bone Remodeling
    9. Bone Healing
    10. Aging
  6. Muscle
    1. Introduction
    2. Types of Muscle
    3. Muscle Composition
    4. Skeletal Muscle Connective Tissue
    5. Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
    6. Muscle Fiber Type Characteristics
    7. Skeletal Muscle Development
    8. Skeletal Muscle Fiber Arrangement
    9. Muscle Line of Action
    10. Types of Muscle Contraction
    11. Muscle Damage and Repair
    12. Aging
  7. Nervous tissue
    1. Introduction
    2. Composition
    3. Peripheral Nerves
    4. Cranial Nerves
    5. Spinal Nerves
    6. Spinal Nerve Injuries
    7. Dermatomes and Myotomes
    8. Receptors
    9. Peripheral Nerve Injury
    10. Aging
    11. Autonomic Nervous System
    12. Lesions of The Autonomic Nervous System
  8. Blood and lymph vessels
    1. Introduction
    2. Structure of Arteries And Veins
    3. Capillaries
    4. Mechanics of Systemic Blood Flow
    5. Lymphatic Vessels
    6. Lymph Nodes
  9. Answers to questions
  10. References

Gerard Gorniak

William Conrad