
Emotional Intelligence: Definition and Guide

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8 reviews
Language :  English
This book introduces the reader to what Emotional Intelligence is and how they can improve their own.
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This book introduces the reader to what Emotional Intelligence is and how they can improve their own. Being “bright” or “intellectual” is not enough in today’s modern society. Today, you need to understand how to manage your emotions and those of others to get on. This textbook reveals how.

About the author

Sean McPheat, the Founder and Managing Director of management development specialists, MTD Training is the author of this publication. Sean has been featured on CNN, BBC, ITV, on numerous radio stations and has contributed to many newspapers. He’s been featured in over 250 different publications as a thought leader within the management development and training industry.

MTD has been working with a wide variety of clients (both large and small) in the UK and internationally for several years.

MTD specialise in providing:

  • In-house, tailor made management training courses (1-5 days duration)
  • Open courses (Delivered throughout the UK at various locations)
  • Management & leadership development programmes (From 5 days to 2 years)
  • Corporate and executive coaching (With senior or middle managers)

MTD provide a wide range of management training courses and programmes that enable new and experienced managers to maximise their potential by gaining or refining their management and leadership skills.

Our team of highly skilled and experienced trainers and consultants have all had distinguished careers in senior management roles and bring with them a wealth of practical experience to each course. At MTD Training we will design and deliver a solution that suits your specific needs addressing the issues and requirements from your training brief that best fits your culture, learning style and ways of working.

Our programmes are delivered when and where you need them! We believe that training should be fun, highly interactive and provide “real world” practical techniques and methods that you can use back in the office – and that’s exactly what we provide.

We all know someone who is incredibly bright and yet cannot seem to pull their life together. The brilliant student who flunks out of university, or the incredibly intelligent worker who can’t seem to get ahead in their company. We know from our familiarity with them that they have a good to superior intelligence level, but that doesn’t seem to be enough to ensure success. And at the same time, we can probably describe in some form why we feel these people have not been successful. Our descriptions would include certain traits or behaviors that have nothing to do with intelligence.

Over time, scientists have begun to study why standard intelligence along isn’t enough to predict performance in an individual. They have realized that there is another type of intelligence that isn’t related to the standard cognitive intelligence – it’s called emotional intelligence.

This textbook will cover what emotional intelligence is, how you can discover what your own E.I actually is and how, by understanding your own emotions and those of others, take your leadership and management skills to the next level.

Sean McPheat, the Founder and Managing Director of management development specialists, MTD Training is the author of this publication. Sean has been featured on CNN, BBC, ITV, on numerous radio stations and has contributed to many newspapers. He’s been featured in over 250 different publications as a thought leader within the management development and training industry.

MTD has been working with a wide variety of clients (both large and small) in the UK and internationally for several years.

MTD specialise in providing:

• In-house, tailor made management training courses (1-5 days duration)

• Open courses (Delivered throughout the UK at various locations)

• Management & leadership development programmes (From 5 days to 2 years)

• Corporate and executive coaching (With senior or middle managers)

MTD provide a wide range of management training courses and programmes that enable new and experienced managers to maximise their potential by gaining or refining their management and leadership skills.

Our team of highly skilled and experienced trainers and consultants have all had distinguished careers in senior management roles and bring with them a wealth of practical experience to each course. At MTD Training we will design and deliver a solution that suits your specific needs addressing the issues and requirements from your training brief that best fits your culture, learning style and ways of working.

Our programmes are delivered when and where you need them! We believe that training should be fun, highly interactive and provide “real world” practical techniques and methods that you can use back in the office – and that’s exactly what we provide.

  1. Overview of Emotional Intelligence
    1. Introduction
    2. Theories of Multiple Intelligences
    3. The Importance of Emotions
    4. Emotions and the Brain
  2. Why Emotional Intelligence Matters in the Workplace
    1. Introduction
    2. Case Study Examples
  3. Models of Emotional Intelligence
    1. Introduction
    2. The Ability-Based Model
    3. The Trait Model of EI
    4. Mixed Models of EI
  4. Self-Awareness
    1. Introduction
    2. Emotional Self-Awareness
    3. Accurate Self-Assessment
    4. Self-Confidence
  5. Self-Management
    1. Introduction
    2. Self-Control
    3. Trustworthiness
    4. Conscientiousness
    5. Adaptability
    6. Achievement Orientation
    7. Initiative
  6. Social Awareness
    1. Introduction
    2. Empathy
    3. Organizational Awareness
    4. Service Orientation
  7. Social Skills
    1. Introduction
    2. Influence
    3. Leadership
    4. Developing Others
    5. Communication
    6. Change Catalyst
    7. Conflict Management
    8. Building Bonds
    9. Teamwork and Collaboration
  8. Resources
Very informative and helpful, especially in stressful moments.
Easy to understand and master the workplace, school and home.
This is a nice book!
A good read. We have to learn a lot in life with regard to emotional intelligence. It is about how we live and work in a world which is full of differing people. A big part of our lives is spoiled by our conscious effort to avoid unnecessary clashes.
Very informative! This book has helped me understand myself, and understand my emotions - including how much they affect my life and decisions, and how I can consciously manage them. Thankyou!
This is by far one of my favorites. A great self-help book, that likely helps and moves you to mold yourself into a more positive being.
I think it was very helpful and gave me an insight into areas of concern I have about myself and how to handle them