Categories Corporate
Emma Wainer
  • Страна: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 4
  • Связаться с автором:

I have had a gloriously squiggly career, starting in pharmaceutical sales, then training as a Speech and Language Therapist. After a short and sweet affair with the NHS, I became Operations Director in a successful event business, before finding my true passion and training as Voice Coach at the prestigious Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Having worked in the public and private sectors, incorporate and in start-ups, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help women, like you, raise your visibility and credibility at work. I do that through helping you find and use your authentic voice as well as helping you cultivate thoughtful leadership, so that you can earn respect for your expertise, gain recognition for all your hard work and be rewarded for your results.

When I am away from my desk you will find me at the beach with the kids and the dog, messing about in the sea, or swinging in my garden chair with my nose in a good book. I bake an incredible chocolate cake but am allergic to the stuff! I discovered I was dyslexic when I was 46 and it was such a relief!! The highest place in the world I have ever been to is Machu Picchu in Peru.

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