Dr Chris Kelsall
  • Организация: Lancashire School of Business and Enterprise, UCLa
  • Страна: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1

Dr Chris Kelsall has been a Senior Lecturer in Accounting at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in the UK since 2012. Dr Kelsall has been teaching accounting students for nearly two decades. As well as teaching, Dr Kelsall has been involved in a number of validation and re-validation events, and has been the external panel member at a number of external validation events both in the UK and in Hong Kong. Prior to joining UCLan Dr Kelsall was the external examiner for the MSc Financial Management and MSc International Finance and Investment at UCLan.

Before joining Higher Education Dr Kelsall was a Management Accountant working for a charity in the housing association sector. Dr Kelsall mainly teaches management accounting and corporate finance. Dr Kelsall retains his links with the accounting profession, and is the Chair of the ACCA Lancashire and Cumbria regional panel.

Dr Kelsall completed a PhD at Sheffield University Management School in 2015 and has presented at a number of international conferences. Research interests include: social an environmental accounting; audit quality; the accounting profession.

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