Categories Corporate
Dimosthenis Papadopoulos
  • Страна: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 2

Dimos is currently a Senior Product Manager at the entertainment industry. He has been a part of other innovative corporations like Adidas, Robert Bosch, PVH corporation, SONY, PepsiCo and is passionate about building innovative Products.
Originally an electrical & computer engineer, he quickly became interested in business and decided to shift his focus with the verge being business analytics. Began a career in Belgium and he then moved to the Netherlands where his career shaped further into eCommerce-leading businesses.
He is currently based in the UK and his focus are Products that deliver value to the end-user. He regularly shares some of his thoughts on Product thinking over LinkedIn, and portfolio, while some of his interviews have been featured on MarTech today, TechTarget in the US as well as has been speaking in other major events such as the DMWF, the IMH Digital, and Reshape.

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