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Space Abundance for Humankind’s Needs

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Exploration, development and settlements in Space can achieve phenomenal advancements for humankind. This book provides the Why, What and How for scholars, leaders and dreamers to achieve that vision.
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Exploration, development and human settlements in Space can achieve phenomenal advancements for humankind on Earth and beyond. All the resources humans will ever need are waiting in Space.  The Law of Space Abundance – “Space has abundant resources to meet human needs.” – has been proven valid. Space Science is unique in its infinite scope and breadth. Attempts to discover and understand the complexities and unknowns of the universe will challenge humans forever. This book provides the Why, What and How for scholars, leaders and dreamers to achieve that vision.

  • Book Cover Art 
  • Dedication 
  • Foreword 
  • Acknowledgments 
  • Review – Frank White 
  • Preface 
  1. Space Vision, Philosophy and Theory 
  2. Leadership in the Space Epoch 
  3. Space Science, Technology and Engineering 
  4. Space Exploration 
  5. Human Factors: Living and Working in Space 
  6. Space Governance and Management 
  7. Cosmic Intelligence and Information 
  8. Space Infrastruture and Commerce 
  9. Space Culture: Faith, Music and Art 
  10. Quality Education and Research for the Space Epoch 
  11. Humanity’s Future: Space and Earth 
  • APPENDIX “A”- Guidelines for Professors 
  • Epilogue – Bob Krone’s Visions: Space for Earth By Salena Gregory 
  • About the Authors, The Krones 
  • Endnotes 
  • Index 

Robert M. Krone, Kat Krone, Salena Gregory-Krone