
Presenting at Conferences

páginaprincipal.livro.por Sarah Simpson
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páginaprincipal.livro.idioma :  English
“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right?
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“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” Jerry Seinfeld

How do you feel when asked to speak in public? Excited and inspired, or nervous and apprehensive?

By understanding where nerves originate and planning effectively you can deliver a presentation that; captures the audience and is unique to them, is inspirational, increases your professional standing, contains a pivotal mix of media and has everyone talking about you for the right reasons.

This book covers; audience, content, presenter, use of visual and auditory aids, 'hook' introductions and common presenter 'fears'. In order to gain maximum benefit there are exercises and practice spaces in order that you can see which elements discussed suit your style and presentation best.

By the end you will have practiced and gained; insight, tips, skills and techniques and will be well on your way to designing and delivering a polished, confident and competent presentation.

“I passionately believe that’s it’s not just what you say that counts, it’s also how you say it – that the success of your argument critically depends on your manner of presenting it”.

Alain de Botton

Conference presenting affords you a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Professional and personal standing can be greatly enhanced by a confident, well prepared, audience friendly and engaging delivery. It is however, a skill rarely taught and the result can be a presenter that looks (and sounds) truly terrified. This hesitant delivery does not pick up on audience cues (verbal and non verbal), is often read verbatim, is poorly designed and leaves an audience feeling uncomfortable or bored.

Giving a great presentation starts when you have your topic, title or subject and not when you stand up in front of your expectant audience. Planning therefore is key to your success and this book will examine; planning techniques, tools and tips as well as exercises and examples of good and poor practice.

By taking on board the contents of this book and finding your own style you will become a more confident, effective presenter and you will ensure you are remembered for all the right reasons!

  1. Introduction
  2. The ‘Science Bit’
    1. Fear and nerves
    2. Brain Structure
    3. Flight, Flight, Freeze
    4. Mid Brain Nervousness
  3. Presenter types
    1. The Powerful Presenter
    2. The nails-Down-the-Blackboard
    3. The look-at-me presenter
  4. The 3 Main Elements
    1. Audience
    2. Content
    3. Presenter
  5. Presentation ‘Ingredients’
    1. Effective preparation (The ACTIVE STOMP)
    2. Audience
    3. Contingency
    4. Timing
    5. Venue
    6. Stories and metaphors
    7. Presenter
  6. Planning
    1. Planning exercise
  7. Substance, Flair and Interest
    1. Stage 1 – starting your presentation
    2. Stage 2 – the outline and transitions
    3. Stage 3 – methodology (if appropriate)
    4. Stage 4 – results
    5. Stage 5 – Conclusions / Close
    6. Stage 6 – Q&A / Managing the Audience
    7. Stage 7 – audience recap (if appropriate)
  8. Visual Aids
    1. Visual Aids
  9. Slides
    1. Clear and easy to read
    2. Fonts – size
    3. Font – colour
    4. Fonts – style
    5. Font Effects
    6. Bullet Points
  10. Share a Consistent Look
  11. Not a script
  12. Consider left and right brain thinking
  13. Contain a mix of visual, auditory kinaesthetic (VAK)
  14. Visual and auditory aids
  15. Conclusions
  16. Summary
  • Endnotes
What a great material, you have made presentations much more simple.
Thank you Sarah for this book, very engaging!
What a fantastic book. This helps explain the nerves and reassures you that your not alone with butterflies !
Exellent. tells you all you need to know when preparing for presentations of any kind
Extremely useful, informative and very easy to use.
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