
Moving from Problem to Solution

Solutions-Focused Approach for Managers, and for Others too

páginaprincipal.livro.por Victoria Spashchenko
páginaprincipal.livro.idioma :  English
This guide invites readers to experience Solution-Focused thinking and communication. It will help develop healthier conversations with yourself and others, while achieving preferred changes faster.
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When faced with a problem many people and organizations normally hope to solve them by answering the questions "What's wrong?", "Why?" and “How can we fix it?". There are situations when those questions are useful but, in most cases, detailing a problem is a waste of time and energy and with no guarantee of arriving at a solution. This guide offers some insights into the Solution-Focused Approach, including the comparison between Problem Talk and Solution Talk, examples of how the Solution-Focused Approach can be helpful in office life and beyond, exercises, and a workbook for daily practice.

About the Author

Victoria Spashchenko has blended her vast experience as a manager, coach and facilitator, cross-cultural expert, and Solution-Focused practitionerwith focuses on:

  • Preferred changes in a solution-focused way
  • Management & communications of multicultural and cross-cultural teams.
The Soluton-Focused Approach is naturally integrated into everything she does and communicates in her multiple roles. She is a member of the global network of the SF community, a speaker, and the author of Practical Guides on how to solve problems without discussing them.
  • About the author
  • Introduction
  1. People are not machines
    1. Why it could be better to be an engineer than a manager
    2. Nothing to fix. Something to learn
  2. Focus matters
    1. Quite a bit about the history of the SF approach
    2. Selective attention or why we see only what we are focused on
    3. Get focused on the good
  3. Problem Talk vs. Solution Talk
  4. Solutions Focused Approach in more detail. Principles, vocabulary, instruments
    1. Founding principles of the SF Approach
    2. Questions that make a difference
    3. Future Perfect as a platform to start from
    4. The Power of “INSTEAD”
    5. Why not learn from mistakes?
    6. Useful exceptions
    7. Do we want “unwanted” situations?
    8. Small steps and BIG changes
    9. Scaling progress
  5. The Solution-Focused Approach for managing conflict situations
    1. Four stages to resolve a conflict the SF way
  6. How managers and organisations benefit from the SFA
    1. What benefits does the SF approach give a manager?
    2. How can the SF approach change your organization?
    3. What should a manager who wants to practice the SF Approach start with?
  7. You have read the book. What action can you take tomorrow?
    1. Pausing to reflect
  8. Your SF Practice guide
    1. Experience SFA to solve your problem or support others
    2. Coping
    3. Helpful feedback
    4. If something (or everything) does not go your way
    5. Collaboration with colleagues
    6. Paying attention to useful experiences
    7. Diary of my best questions
  • Conclusion
  • References

Shift focus away from problems and toward desired solutions in management situations Utilize the Solutions-Focused Approach for enhanced team communication and effective choices Employ strategic questioning techniques that foster progressive change and goal attainment
